There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Planning for a vacation is quite a lot of work. I give credit to people who do it and do it well.  And people who have a knack to seek out a good deal.  A coworker of mine visited Iceland last year.  Crazy.  He and his wife went in the winter because it was a cheap destination.  They loved it.

While I'm not in that planning mode right now, I am planning my first house project of 2013.  A bedroom renovation.  More specifically the boys room (they share a bedroom somewhat to their dismay). 

My plan is relatively simple and it will be a DIY project.  Yikes.  A built-in closet system, a desk for homework (possibly a two person workstation), paint and decorating.  Easy, right.  I'm thinking about doing two different wall colors.  A darker grey on the far wall with windows and matching paint on the near wall where the desk will be located.  The side walls will be white (imagine that).  So I am searching for the perfect white paint.  I've yet to find it.  I'm looking for a white with grey undertones.  A white that gives a vintage, I've been here for awhile tone.

Does anyone have the perfect white paint color they would be willing to share?

Some Design Inspiration from Houzz

love the heavy wood shelves and 
red filing drawers 

drawn to a fun modern space, the great light 
fixture and wall mural

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