There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, January 14, 2013


Did you watch the Golden Globe Awards last night?  I should've sent out a reminder last week.  It is awards season.  I am still a TV junkie and would love to sneak out to a movie more than once a year.  Red Box, Netflix and On Demand will have to do for now.  Although we just discovered we have free HBO.  What!

On my radar is Amanda Seyfried.  She is an actress who hails from Allentown, Pennsylvania (which is next door to me).  Amanda stars as Cosette in the movie Les Miserables.  Les Mis won best movie last night.  Here's a story ... I have a neighbor whose daughter is a recent Penn State grad and living in Manhattan. Hannah was home during Hurricane Sandy because the city was without power (we had spotty power).  She was at the mall and claims she saw Amanda Seyfried and her dog Finn.  Makes sense --- Amanda lives in the city as well and probably didn't have power either.  Hannah was going to say hi to Amanda but was gracious and allowed her privacy.  A star sighting here in the Lehigh Valley! I wonder if it was really her.  One more note ... this was on a Tuesday.  You and I were at the same mall two days later sister.  For the same reason ... hurricane shopping and eating.  We should have had our star radar on.  
Love it!!!!  


P.S.  I feel like I have so many questions to answer for you sister ... I think I am a shy extrovert (is there such a thing?) and indeed I have a wall of art.  My plan is to make it grow.  But my wall will resemble swiss cheese from rearranging so much. Need to find a way to cover all the holes.

Strike a Pose!

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