There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I just finished Quiet by Susan Cain..I couldn't put it down and I can't stop talking about it. This book eloquently illustrates the power of being quiet, introverted and even solitary. It explores the many contributions introverts have made to our society. It shows the strength of listening and being thoughtful.

Here are a few of the questions offered by the author to determine if you are an introvert:

* I prefer one-to-one conversations to group activities
* I often prefer to express myself in writing
* I like to celebrate birthdays on a small scale, with only one or two close friends or family members
* I dislike conflict
* People tell me I'm a good listener
* I dislike small talk, but I enjoy talking in depth about topics that matter to me

Did you answer "yes" to each question like I did? I never thought of myself as an introvert, but I am. Give it a read and then we can talk about it together!


Introvert or Extrovert???

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