There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, January 7, 2013


Wow --- a me&t vacation (of sorts).  Once in awhile a break is needed on all fronts.  But it is good to be back.  I've given some thought to the year ahead. I like the thought of "mini" goals for 2013.  Anything in small doses is achievable, right? 

1. Lose 10 pounds

2. Read more 

3. Start and finish some house projects 

4. Only buy items needed, not wanted

5. Become more "green" 

6. Find time to just be

7. Be a planner

8. Act on great ideas 

Did you ever hear the saying "Good is the Enemy of Great".  Someone recently said to me, what's wrong with good. Perhaps trying to have everything great is too much.  Maybe being good is good enough and allows for calm that is much needed.  Something I will ponder in the new year.


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