There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, January 6, 2013

me&t is back!

Yes, the holidays were fun and festive..we took a vacation from me&t, but we are back. Sorry we were gone for so long. We missed me&t and hope you did too.

Where to start? Well, without it being a cliche and redundant, the beginning of a new year, is a fresh start. Instead of working on areas to improve (there are many ;) -- I am going to list some mini goals to keep in mind for 2013.

* be a more thoughtful, careful writer for me&t
* write each and every day
* finish projects around the house
(I have a big, empty space in my bedroom that collects piles and bags for Goodwill - no joke!)
* get my "run" back on
* learn how to meditate ~ I always wanted to give it a try :)
* explore new places..heard the soul grows

What does your list look like sister? Do you have any mini goals for the new year?


Christmas Memory in New York City

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