There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, December 20, 2010

Visions of Wallpaper Dancing in My Head

With the frenzied pace of December, there is little time to consider decorating projects for my house. My stacks of House Beautiful magazine and rows of design books are collecting dust. My accordion file for clippings, photos, and swatches hasn't been opened in weeks. (I'm not really sure where it is - maybe I wrapped it?!) All design inspiration has focused solely on Christmas and everything related to it ~ the card, the tree, the outside of the house. Is it the same in your house sister??

Just yesterday, I felt it. A tiny twinge of design desire. I had the sudden urge to entertain what could happen, once all of the festive decorations are packed away. Oh the possibilities. Maybe some grasscloth in dining room? (is it still "in"? Or did I miss another boat?) Maybe a large mirror in my powder room to add drama? How about some basics, like replacing the horrible doorknobs my contractor left behind five years ago? (ugly & cheap!) Maybe some organization -- you know I love The Container Store! (who doesn't?) The twinge is no longer tiny it seems.

As soon as I wrap the final gift, I am going to get started. I find I am unable to wait
another moment. If I begin now, when January hits, I can actually implement some ideas asap. For starters, the doorknobs could be accomplished while William is in preschool. I feel so much better just thinking about it. My next move will be making some lists - I am BIG on lists. And just to show how serious I am, I will cruise my magazines, books, and blogs for inspiration and ideas.

You and me sister ~ ~ we may need a field trip! Lambertville? Brooklyn Flea? Renninger's anyone? All of the above? It isn't time yet, but soon.


PS ~ listen, it is OK to buy stuff for yourself at Christmas, as long as it goes under the tree. (& you are on the nice list) And, while you get your game on, I am D-O-N-E!!!! Read it and weep sista! ;) See you soon. xo

Post Christmas Project #1

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