There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Response from Santa

Dear Tracy,

I am incredibly busy ~ obviously my busiest time of year, but I need to respond to your letter.

Let's start with your sister. First, I think the handbag/piano cost comparison was a gross exaggeration. Hyperbole perhaps?? Knowing her, she truly wanted you to get the cheap piano with the cracked keys. As usual, you were "on the fence" and needed to get off it quickly, with a team of crazy volunteers standing by to help move the thing. (who moves a piano?? Thought it got sold with the house) And, I believe you are being a bit harsh ~~ your sister is generally a kind and generous sister, daughter, wife, mother, and friend. For the record, she only had altercations with three people this year: 1. lady who cut line at farm 2. man who almost ran over her in crosswalk 3. rude lady getting into the cab in NYC. She can be a bit crabby with the hubby. There you have it...not so bad?? Of course, the best for last --> she is very charitable and I believe you are often the recipient of such goodwill. Verdict: NO COAL!! Louis Vuitton?? Stay tuned.

Now, let's get to you my friend. For starters, it is quite difficult to get "Santa" volunteers during the holiday season as they are needed in so many critical locations. I think most women would agree that a woman could do any man's job, even Santa's. Upon reflection, I should have specified "clear glasses" in the handbook. And, try to be kind to your sister...she is working hard behind the scenes to ensure a reclining lawn chair is not under your tree. ;)

In closing, try to find the true spirit of the Christmas season in your heart. Enjoy your loving husband and children, spread peace & goodwill, and be kind to your sister. You still have three days to guarantee inclusion on the nice list. I'll be watching..


Santa Claus
My favorite decorations are handmade

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