There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, December 26, 2010


The countdown ... 364 days until Christmas!  What do you think sister, should I start planning now?  Here is what was so great about Christmas 2010 (in no particular order):

* we received several "as seen on TV gifts" ~ Sham Wow (me), Pillow Pets (kids), Snuggie (kid), Turbie Towel (me and Kate)

* two of my three kid's favorite gifts came from Grandma & Buddy (of course)

* one return

* admiring your super stylish outfit sister on Christmas Eve (you're done with it now & it will show up in my giveaway bag?)

* hanging out Christmas night around the fire pit while my sister-in-law played her acoustic guitar and we sang carols

* giving gifts & especially watching my kids open their gifts Christmas morning 

* finally talking to BFF Jen, catching up and sharing similar sentiments about the month leading up to the big day (hint: Team Grinch)

* on my way to gaining 5-10 pounds with little or no effort (couldn't run today because of the snow ~ sounds good, right?)

* enjoying a super lazy day today playing games with the kids, napping and not doing any projects as planned

That is just a snapshot but given all the stress involved it was great!  And to all of our readers who were not recipients of my annual Christmas card, this one is for you. I hope your holiday was merry & bright.


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