There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Wow, it is still technically fall but it sure feels like winter.  With this early arctic blast upon us, this household is abuzz and you know why sister ... swoosh, swoosh!

The skis are sharpened and waxed.  Some new gear has been purchased.  When heading North, our eyes automatically find the row of lights that line our local slopes.  Are they "blowing" snow?  With these temps, for sure.

Truth be told, the boys in the household hit the slopes on opening night this past Friday.  Then back up to the mountain Saturday morning.  But this time it was Kate Kate Rollerskate's turn - first time ever.

She was SO excited.  She wore her new ski bibs (she doesn't like to zip them up over her belly) and her new pink coat, of course.  One just never knows how a 4 year old is going to handle it all.  The bulky clothing, the awkward gloves, the cold, the hard boots and most of all the slippery things underneath the feet.  Thoughts flood back to when now eleven year old was that age.  Enrolled him in fancy ski school at Killington.  Thought he would come out ready for the Olympics.  If only.  That little bugger did nothing but walk up and down the mini snow bump and ride the magic carpet in his snow boots.  Did not like the hard ski boots.  Hmm. 

Turns out she loved it!  Mike used the harness and the clips to prevent the ski tips from crossing.  Faster, faster were the words of the day - great, another one.  Will anyone do the lazy scenic trails with me?

Stay warm,

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