There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I think it is becoming pretty evident that I have been slightly off center lately.  It happens but all you can do is work toward getting back on track.  I just don't love that it comes at a time of year that should be jolly.  I did attend a festive event last week that always makes me smile.  But this year I stepped away with something probably not appreciated by all, or anyone for that matter. 

Every year since Jack was a baby we attend a tree lighting ceremony in a little town next to ours.  The highlight is the music.  The performances by middle school and high school students change every year, are usually super casual but really festive.  We love it!  This year Jack's 6th grade band performed as well as the high school chorale.  The festivities take place in the town's catch all building which is used for little league basketball, aerobic classes and most of all the police station.  The building used to be a high school.  At first blush, it comes off as a crusty old building.  But when I sat in the auditorium waiting for the performances to begin, I noticed a couple of things.  High above on the ceiling were original schoolhouse light fixtures: flush mounts above the balcony and then several pendants on chains.  It was neat coming across a vintage fixture that I just love.  The other neat thing in the auditorium were the seats.  I know, strange.  The seats were wood, trimmed in metal.  And the school "monogram" if you will was embossed on the end of each row.  How cool ~ who does that anymore? 

Alright, onto the good stuff.  As promised, here is the next folly in line (BTW sister, were you going to tell me that I spelled "folly" wrong in the first one).

Folly #2  It is still early in December (2009) and I am determined to be on my shopping game.  Especially after smooshing my Christmas tree.  So I head to Target over lunch on a mission and with a list.  So much to buy ... teachers, parents, nieces, nephews, etc.  The store is packed but I am focused.  Much success.  So I check-out, leave the store and push my mother load of gifts thru the parking lot. 

Again, it is very cold, slight rain and the parking lot is full.  Due to the crowds, I had to park really far away.  I get to my car and open my trunk which is of course packed with stuff.  So I literally almost crawl into my trunk to move stuff around to make room for new stuff.  Success again, everything should fit.  So without looking I reach for my buggy handle ~ no handle.  Sh**, I just knew my buggy plowed into the neighbors car.  Immediatley I think of my options: leave a note or flee the scene.  So I turn to access the damage ... No buggy!  Where the hell is my buggy.  I look around ... there she be ... she let loose and was flying about mach 90 down the middle of the driveway with my mother load of gifts.  Heading straight toward the store.  I ran like never before!

Stayed tuned ... one more folly to come!
old high school auditorium seat

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