With Christmas in the air, I have been pondering about the Christ part of it a lot lately. Not so much about Christmas being the birthday of Jesus, but that catchy saying, "What would Jesus do?" or WWJD for short. I feel like people all around me ~ strangers and acquaintances alike ~ seem to be behaving badly. Horribly if truth be told.
Here is perfect example. While enjoying breakfast at the diner this morning, the "balloon man" stopped by and offered to make those twisty balloon animals for my four children! After choosing their animals and balloon colors, my kiddies waited politely and patiently for their finished products. (here we go) The family sitting next to us was leaving, but noticed the "balloon man" and his desirable goods. Instead of waiting politely and patiently, they went to the owner of the diner and demanded immediate balloons. The owner approached the "balloon man" and demanded he give OUR balloon animals to the other family. The smart "balloon man" held his ground and refused not once, but twice, and the owner stomped off. (true) As a parent, I wonder if teaching your children to make demands and recieve immediate gratification is the way to go.
Another classic example...my dear friend K and I compared similar stories of almost being run down by automobiles while we were walking in CROSSWALKS. Lately, drivers seem to think they have the right of way at all times, regardless of what the law says. Forget about the law, how about decency, manners, and kindness? BTW I am going to toot my own horn --> I always stop my minivan for walkers, joggers, bikers, etc. even if there are no white lines in sight. Where is everyone driving so quickly that one can't pause for a moment?? Even when I was driving to the hospital to have a baby (4x), there was no plowing over folks in crosswalks.
As a football wife & mother, you know we could write an entire blog about adults and children behaving poorly at practices and games. I heard about a coach who called a second grader a "cheater" during a game. 40 yr old man vs. 7 year old girl. Nice. And, the teammate who made it a point to tell my daughter that she actually came in first & Grace was second - while the electronic system registered my daughter as first. Really?! Who cares. What happened to sportsmanship? That's something I want my children to come first in.
Now it's time to get back to the Christmas & Jesus part. I wish everyone would think a little more about others when choosing what to say and how to act; hence the, what would Jesus do? Would Jesus demand balloon sheep from another family? Would Jesus run over pedestrians in crosswalks?? Would He call a little girl a cheater??? I know the answer and you do too. Tomorrow I am going to try extra hard to think about others and treat everyone with kindness and care. Maybe you can do the same. And, with a little grace, maybe it will be contagious and the world will be a better place. 'tis the season.
Emma's Balloon Bunny
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