There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Friday, December 31, 2010

Photo Friday No. 7

Sailboat in

will not wear his party hat in

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Random Act of Kindness

A picture (or three) is worth a thousand words. As I took the below photos, I knew you would enjoy them too. Nothing like a little kindness and magic this holiday season. You never know what you find around a corner. Enjoy!!

Your Sister,


Tuesday, December 28, 2010


As someone who works full time outside of the home, time is something that becomes a focus of mine.  Especially time at home.  Mike and I were discussing the time I get off from work and I did some math: 57% is spent going out of town on vacation(s), 23% is saved up for holiday time, 10% is taking a day off to do something on my own (like a day at Renninger's),  and 10% is reserved for a miscellaneous day as needed. 

As the above statistics show, most of my vacation time is spent on just that, vacation.  Out of town.  This is great but the planning, the packing, the unpacking.  Need another vacation just to accomplish it all.  Days where I am actually off from work and simply home for say five consecutive days is rare.  That must seem odd to some.  But when it does happen I cherish that time.  So much that I actually become lost in it.   This holiday I had those five days off and they were spent as follows: two days celebrating Christmas, one day doing nothing (games with kids, movies), one day organizing (in my pj's all day and no shower) and the final day, today, I organized some more but snuck out around 4:00 pm just because I had to get out of the house! 

Did I mention the naps I took over the past several days?  I love a nap.  With a nap, I am a totally different person.  I even napped in the snuggie ~ that's right ~ for all the women out there, I recommend the kid snuggie.  The amount of material is just right.  I even washed dishes in it.  As you pointed out sister, the snuggie patterns can be a bit much so I recommend the plain royal blue.

I also took a moment
 to look thru and organize my gifts.  I am loving my quote jar (from you sister), the book "What I Didn't Get For Christmas" (from you sister), can't wait to wear new Tory Burch sunglasses (from Mike but with your help), new ski coat and can't wait to cook up some soup with my new hand blender (et tu, sister?).

But here is the classic part of it all.  Come Monday morning after the holiday weekend, when I was still off, the business world came alive.  And so did my blackberry.  It rang, it blinked, it rang, it blinked.  Am I really that important?  I do have this very rare gift and possibly the only one I can identify, which is ... when I am not at work, I actually forget about work.  This allows me to unwind and return refreshed.  But not when it follows me home.  Hmm.  Don't get me wrong, there is most certainly the positive side to working.  I enjoy the routine, getting "dressed" every morning (even though some outfits are not so great ~ please refer back to my December 1st "DUDS" post).  I truly enjoy the people I work with and at times the challenge of my profession. 

So back to work tomorrow but then off again for three days!  I can't wait.  Possibly more organizing, maybe skiing, shopping, who knows.  The options are endless.  But no matter what I do, I will be happy just being home, again.   

Signing off from my humble abode,
my new timepiece from J.Crew
(interchangable bands available in cool colors)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Holiday Highlights

(As I write this, I am deep undercover in my house. After spending endless days together over and around Christmas, Team Brown finds themselves snowed in during a blizzard. I escaped for a mere thirty minutes to get gas in the van. Not to worry, the kiddies seem to find me in my quiet corner of the house typing away.)

1. I was "reindeered" on Christmas Eve! Remember how I missed the boat on the super funny antlers and red noses which transform your auto into Rudolph? Well, after leaving our family extravaganza....the van resembled none other than Rudolph! I was thrilled. I wonder who did it? Must have been an elf. ;) PS if anyone spies a red nose on 78 between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, please let me know ~ my nose blew off on the ride home.

2. Heads up...our mother has a grand idea for Christmas next year. Why not make gifts to give to one another? Make? As in with my own two hands??!! As if the stress of buying and wrapping tons of gifts isn't stressful enough, now I (we) need to learn a trade, create gifts, and hand them out. All before Dec. 25, 2011. You know me, crafty I'm not. The second problem is -- what will I (we) do with all of the special crafts we receive?? I have a few ideas. It could very well become a "Merry Craftmas", I mean "Crapmas".

3. Quite by accident or maybe by serendipity, we exchanged owls this Christmas! White ceramic for you and green and orange marble for me. Could be the start of a tradition...

4. Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? World peace? Maybe just peace and quiet? I got the new Taylor Swift CD from my super sister and Dave Matthews live in NYC from my hubby ~ time to put away the Christmas music and get a groove on.

5. (btw i wrote this draft b4 I read "364" - TDF!) This one's for you ~ I must admit I admire your style. I loved your ensemble on Christmas Eve. Flouncy orange top with wrap, jeans tucked into vintage Frye boots, and a chunky, sparkly bracelet. Fresh, retro, and hip. I am loving it.

6. I know yours is a family who loves to ski. Truth be told, wouldn't you love it even more if we grabbed our suits and jetted off to a warm, tropical beach somewhere? Snow is way overrated, especially since NJ just got almost THIRTY inches!!!! and winds up to 70 mph!!! St. Barts anyone??? Want snow? Come to New Jersey.

7. OK my OCD is kicking into high gear around here. There is stuff everywhere. True. And when it is messy in one room, the littles take their stuff to a new room, and so on. You get the picture. I truly can't keep up with it. Must admit, I have been digging deep so as not to let the children, in their Christmas bliss, realize how horrified I am. Help.

8. I found the true spirit of Christmas...after losing the matriarch of our family in October, our grandmother and dad's mother, this was our first Christmas without her. I thought about it more than I realized. Forty some Christmases with her. Now, one without. Our dad, who never cooks/bakes/etc. pulled out Grammy's cookie recipes and for TWO days (!) baked, just like she would have. Keep in mind, the worn cards weren't easy to read and the cookies weren't the easy type either ~ traditional Austrian/German with nuts, wine, and powdered sugar. I can think of no better tribute for a son to give his deceased mother. It spoke volumes to me.

(Still hiding out, which is why I am writing so much. I do think it is time for some sort of holiday cheer in the form of wine. Sadly, since I don't keep booze in my bedroom, I will have to come out of hiding. Drat.)


Sunday, December 26, 2010


The countdown ... 364 days until Christmas!  What do you think sister, should I start planning now?  Here is what was so great about Christmas 2010 (in no particular order):

* we received several "as seen on TV gifts" ~ Sham Wow (me), Pillow Pets (kids), Snuggie (kid), Turbie Towel (me and Kate)

* two of my three kid's favorite gifts came from Grandma & Buddy (of course)

* one return

* admiring your super stylish outfit sister on Christmas Eve (you're done with it now & it will show up in my giveaway bag?)

* hanging out Christmas night around the fire pit while my sister-in-law played her acoustic guitar and we sang carols

* giving gifts & especially watching my kids open their gifts Christmas morning 

* finally talking to BFF Jen, catching up and sharing similar sentiments about the month leading up to the big day (hint: Team Grinch)

* on my way to gaining 5-10 pounds with little or no effort (couldn't run today because of the snow ~ sounds good, right?)

* enjoying a super lazy day today playing games with the kids, napping and not doing any projects as planned

That is just a snapshot but given all the stress involved it was great!  And to all of our readers who were not recipients of my annual Christmas card, this one is for you. I hope your holiday was merry & bright.


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Simply Said ...

me&t t&me
December 24, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Photo Friday No. 6

Storefront in
New Jersey

mighty big but cool wreath needs to be hung in

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Response from Santa

Dear Tracy,

I am incredibly busy ~ obviously my busiest time of year, but I need to respond to your letter.

Let's start with your sister. First, I think the handbag/piano cost comparison was a gross exaggeration. Hyperbole perhaps?? Knowing her, she truly wanted you to get the cheap piano with the cracked keys. As usual, you were "on the fence" and needed to get off it quickly, with a team of crazy volunteers standing by to help move the thing. (who moves a piano?? Thought it got sold with the house) And, I believe you are being a bit harsh ~~ your sister is generally a kind and generous sister, daughter, wife, mother, and friend. For the record, she only had altercations with three people this year: 1. lady who cut line at farm 2. man who almost ran over her in crosswalk 3. rude lady getting into the cab in NYC. She can be a bit crabby with the hubby. There you have it...not so bad?? Of course, the best for last --> she is very charitable and I believe you are often the recipient of such goodwill. Verdict: NO COAL!! Louis Vuitton?? Stay tuned.

Now, let's get to you my friend. For starters, it is quite difficult to get "Santa" volunteers during the holiday season as they are needed in so many critical locations. I think most women would agree that a woman could do any man's job, even Santa's. Upon reflection, I should have specified "clear glasses" in the handbook. And, try to be kind to your sister...she is working hard behind the scenes to ensure a reclining lawn chair is not under your tree. ;)

In closing, try to find the true spirit of the Christmas season in your heart. Enjoy your loving husband and children, spread peace & goodwill, and be kind to your sister. You still have three days to guarantee inclusion on the nice list. I'll be watching..


Santa Claus
My favorite decorations are handmade

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Dear Santa,

I apologize for writing to you so late in the game.  And via this blog.  It's just I have some things on my mind.

For starters, I was at Kate's daycare Christmas party today.  This is my 10th year attending this particular function ~ well, I think I may have missed one but I forget why.  So here's the deal, you arrive a half hour late becasue two kids are not there yet.  Fine.  We wait.  The kids sing and dance.  Except for Kate, she eyeballs me the entire time and then asks me to leave.  But I stay because I am excited to see you.  You arrive!  But I immediately pick up that it is not the "real" you.  I know you are very busy this time of year.  Lots of engagemements.  But Santa, there was something not quite right about your substitute.  His voice during the Ho, Ho, Ho part was quite high and substitute Santa wore black sunglasses.  I apologize but I laughed out loud, really loud.  Santa, I think your substitute was a woman.  Are you aware of this?  Dude, there's something just not right about that.

Next, my sister continues to tease me.  Today, we chatted about the piano my family bought.  We are so excited about this purchase.  Jack was practicing all the Christmas songs last night.  Matthew started composing a song about angels.  It was magical.  Ok, so the piano may be a bit gimpy because a couple of the keys are chipped.  How does that happen?  But here it goes ... she told me that she paid more for her current handbag than we paid for the piano ... what do we expect!!!  And, I think she was naughty lately.  She and her friends had a holiday get together.  Supposedly Santa, everyone received red thongs, party girls wore them over jeans and then one of the girls walked her dog in the neighborhood while still wearing red thong!  Santa, I love her, but please give her coal.  Edible kind is fine.

And one more small thing, if my husband buys me another reclining lawn chair and leaves it under our tree, I am going to be pissed!

But you and me Santa, we're good, right?

Substitute Santa - yeah, looks ok on the photo, but trust me!
I apologize for Kate's outfit ~ she and cousin Emma have
this thing for picking out their own clothing.  Yikes!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Visions of Wallpaper Dancing in My Head

With the frenzied pace of December, there is little time to consider decorating projects for my house. My stacks of House Beautiful magazine and rows of design books are collecting dust. My accordion file for clippings, photos, and swatches hasn't been opened in weeks. (I'm not really sure where it is - maybe I wrapped it?!) All design inspiration has focused solely on Christmas and everything related to it ~ the card, the tree, the outside of the house. Is it the same in your house sister??

Just yesterday, I felt it. A tiny twinge of design desire. I had the sudden urge to entertain what could happen, once all of the festive decorations are packed away. Oh the possibilities. Maybe some grasscloth in dining room? (is it still "in"? Or did I miss another boat?) Maybe a large mirror in my powder room to add drama? How about some basics, like replacing the horrible doorknobs my contractor left behind five years ago? (ugly & cheap!) Maybe some organization -- you know I love The Container Store! (who doesn't?) The twinge is no longer tiny it seems.

As soon as I wrap the final gift, I am going to get started. I find I am unable to wait
another moment. If I begin now, when January hits, I can actually implement some ideas asap. For starters, the doorknobs could be accomplished while William is in preschool. I feel so much better just thinking about it. My next move will be making some lists - I am BIG on lists. And just to show how serious I am, I will cruise my magazines, books, and blogs for inspiration and ideas.

You and me sister ~ ~ we may need a field trip! Lambertville? Brooklyn Flea? Renninger's anyone? All of the above? It isn't time yet, but soon.


PS ~ listen, it is OK to buy stuff for yourself at Christmas, as long as it goes under the tree. (& you are on the nice list) And, while you get your game on, I am D-O-N-E!!!! Read it and weep sista! ;) See you soon. xo

Post Christmas Project #1

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Greetings fine sister ... sorry if I appear to be a slacker but this Elf has been busy SHOPPING!!!!  Here is a tip for next year ~ instead of buying all gifts before December 1st so that you can truly enjoy the holiday season, I suggest you wait until the week before Christmas.  EVERYTHING IS ON SALE!!!  Things already purchased are now 50% off.  I can't take it!!!

Is it bad that I am buying stuff for myself ~ and that said stuff isn't going under the tree? 

Not that YOU need a reminder but just in case you forgot:


Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

I couldn't agree more --- sister, it's cold outside! (and Kate does look super cute in her PINK ski gear!) Although winter is truly a week away, it sure feels like it with an arctic blast from up north and temps in the 20's.

I have decided to embrace winter in all her glory... puffy coat, tall boots, fuzzy hat, and cozy gloves. In the morning, I give my little ones fifteen extra minutes just to bundle up before school. My seven year old still inquires, EVERY morning, if he can wear shorts to school. My answer remains consistent, "Are you crazy?! You are NOT wearing shorts to school!!" The girls love wearing their Uggs and William has agreed to wear socks. We will be ready for winter when she arrives just before Santa.

And, if the guy below doesn't make you smile, while strolling through town on a brisk afternoon, I don't know what will. He certainly made me smile. :)

Well, I've got to get wrapping and not like Run DMC. "It's Christmas time in Hollis Queens, Mom's cooking chicken and collard greens. Rice and stuffing, macaroni and cheese. And Santa put gifts under Christmas trees."


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Wow, it is still technically fall but it sure feels like winter.  With this early arctic blast upon us, this household is abuzz and you know why sister ... swoosh, swoosh!

The skis are sharpened and waxed.  Some new gear has been purchased.  When heading North, our eyes automatically find the row of lights that line our local slopes.  Are they "blowing" snow?  With these temps, for sure.

Truth be told, the boys in the household hit the slopes on opening night this past Friday.  Then back up to the mountain Saturday morning.  But this time it was Kate Kate Rollerskate's turn - first time ever.

She was SO excited.  She wore her new ski bibs (she doesn't like to zip them up over her belly) and her new pink coat, of course.  One just never knows how a 4 year old is going to handle it all.  The bulky clothing, the awkward gloves, the cold, the hard boots and most of all the slippery things underneath the feet.  Thoughts flood back to when now eleven year old was that age.  Enrolled him in fancy ski school at Killington.  Thought he would come out ready for the Olympics.  If only.  That little bugger did nothing but walk up and down the mini snow bump and ride the magic carpet in his snow boots.  Did not like the hard ski boots.  Hmm. 

Turns out she loved it!  Mike used the harness and the clips to prevent the ski tips from crossing.  Faster, faster were the words of the day - great, another one.  Will anyone do the lazy scenic trails with me?

Stay warm,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You See What I See??

Quite happy to hear you have finally gotten your groove on for Christmas! I was were running out of time. No joke. Still no mention of a fabulous gift for me ~ don't forget, I've been very good this year (at least most of the time)

Well, if you happen to be in New Jersey and were peeking around my house tonight ~~ this is what you would see...

In my dining room - a box of Christmas cards waiting for stamps & to be mailed & a cello

In my frig - a half case of white wine and another half case of milk by the gallon (not sure what this means)

In my pantry - pretzels covered in white chocolate & crushed candy canes (see below)

In my living room - the tree, the train, the stockings

In my bedroom - piles of boxes, bags, and bins filled with gifts needing wrap asap

In the children's rooms - angels finally sleeping so I can work on the above & below

In the basement - toys galore waiting to make room for toys galore

In my closet - running shoes sadly in need of a run & party dresses for the next party (Sat.!)

In my hampers - loads of wash filling them to the tippy top (wonder if the elves do wash?)

In my mudroom - coats, mittens, scarfs, and hats after an afternoon of flurries & more wash!

What is it looking like over at your place?


Sunday, December 12, 2010


This is how Stella's getting her Christmas groove back (a.k.a. me):

Finally had a productive night of shopping. Mamma T and I hit the stores Friday night and I at least put a small dent in the list.  Now that she is retired she is watching the daytime shows.  She filled me in on the "hot" items of the year as reported by in the know TV hosts.  Big, big help.  Moving forward.

Sinus infection/cold that lingered for seven weeks is gone!  It was pushed out by the stomach bug - nice.  48 hours of well, you know what.  I think I am on the mend.  At least it happened over a weekend.  Although I did miss an actual social night out ~ haven't had one of those in weeks.  Bummer.

Husband threatened that if I don't decorate the house he would.  That is enough to light a fire under any woman's ars.  So I dug in the bins and pulled out a few items.  Does it really need to look like someone sneezed Christmas in here?  I'm fine with the less is more approach.  I do love all my new, sparkly, vintage touches.  I'm not completely done but it's getting there.

Received confession from 7 year old.  He's had no desire to send Santa a letter.  He just "wants to be surprised".  Turns out little man thinks Santa will remember his stretch of naughty behavior in school last January/February.  I reassured him that sometimes Santa is nice and at least leaves edible coal.  Suggested he indeed needs to send Santa a letter apologizing for bad behavior and promise to do better.  He's not convinced, yet.

And finally, when the tree is decorated I completely take control and make sure all my special ornaments are front and center.  When you think about it, probably not that much fun for the kids.  This year I took a different approach.  I kept the special ornaments packed up.  Kids totally decorated the tree with the "other" ornaments and you can tell.  On some branches there are multiple ornaments.  In the process of decorating, several ornaments fell and broke.  And then were hung on the tree.  This is probably one of the most beautiful trees that we ever bought and it should be a show piece. It is and it isn't.  And I think just looking at this tree and knowing it is a "kids tree" has helped me to get my Christmas groove back.  Even if it still doesn't have a tree skirt on, yet.

Signing off sister, in good Christmas spirits,
cluster of ornaments hung with care

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm Making a List & Checking it Twice

Instead of "visions of sugarplums" dancing in my head, there have been lots of other thoughts dancing around this season. I with I had something thoughtful and profound say, but I don't. Here is my little list instead...

1. For the special child on your list ~ Hermes has a coloring book for sale. Don't forget to buy one for each of your children so they don't fight over it. (you know they will) It retails for $130.00. Enough said.

2. In addition to loving J Crew's style, I appreciate their wit and humor. Who doesn't? This Christmas, they guarantee delivery by Dec. 25th, but they are unable to guarantee "chimney delivery" ~ clever.

3. There seem to be some vehicles driving round town that look an awful lot like Rudolf! Antlers clipped to the front, side windows and a big, red nose on the front of the hood. My kids were hoping our van could look like Rudolph too. In my quest to get my van in the Christmas spirit, I went to a shop where the goods are sold. Upon inquiry, the salesperson looked at me in horror. "M'am, we sold out of those WEEKS ago. It is Dec. 8th you know." Duh. She informed me to come early if I wanted bunny ears and a nose for Easter.

4. One of my favorite holiday happenings involved a dinner party with my nearest and dearest. (aka my lady friends) The best part --> Santa left red, lace thongs for all of us next to the chimney. We moms must have been awfully good this year. ;)

5. My gift seems to be the one that is "hard to get your hands on " - kind of like Elmo several years back. My patient husband has literally searched the globe for my elusive gift. Our theory is that since Hanukkah was super early this year, there were shoppers hitting the pavement much earlier than he. (I do have another theory that maybe I am being misled & the gift is in Santa's bag. Fingers crossed.)

6. I already have a dreaded return. Didn't even give the gift yet...found out the recipient already has the book I selected. Drat. Back to the bookstore.

7. A few years back my husband and I started a little Christmas tradition. We meet in NYC for dinner - - just the two of us for some quiet time together amid our hustle and bustle. As the city envelopes us with it's own brand of Christmas spirit, it feels almost magical. This year, we visited a restaurant in our old neighborhood. See photo below...

8. I just read an article about dressing for Christmas. At one time, women would greet their guess at the door in their "hostess" outfits. Often, floor length dresses or skirts with names like YSL or Chanel. I can truly imagine it! Definitely with a drink in one hand and the doorknob on the other. Another family does "dress up" for Christmas with skirts, dresses, jackets and ties. Then, when it is time to open presents, they don Santa hats. Festive! I am not sure if I can come up with a Prada gown, but CVS has adorable hats like the Big Guy wears.

9. December brings Christmas, and to our house, it also brings the Army / Navy football game!!! This year, Henry is experiencing this special tradition for the first time. Father and son left for Philadelphia bright and early decked out in Navy gear. I wonder if the President will be there? I hope so. It adds to the pomp and circumstance. It is a game like no other. What else can I say but... GO NAVY beat army!!!!

Christmas in Tutor City

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010


In a push to get this joint looking like Christmas, I made a trip to one of my favorite craft /antique stores.  Even though I don't decorate with a country style I am still drawn to the country crafts.  I just love them.  They remind me of a warm, cozy house.  So for the holiday's, I usually bring in a touch of country and as I was walking thru the store I was drawn to some green garland adorned with what else but pears.  But for some reason I have buyers block ... just cannot make decisions.  So after wandering around the store for about an hour or so, I headed to the check-out counter.  I left not with the green pear garland but with some vintage glittery garland.  I also found a funky glittery christmas tree.  (Yikes?)  Will my family think I fell off my rocker?  But I was drawn to them both.  So a new theme this year.  Bright, festive and glittery.  Had to go back to the store after pondering a few things left behind ... this time I found some great vintage star ornaments.  Also in fun, festive colors.  I might string them across my fireplace.  Let the decorating begin!

Ok, here you go sister, last but most certainly not least:

Folly #3  Annual company holiday lunch is scheduled (mid-December 2009).  This is a fun event that everyone looks forward to.  Each year all the employees contribute money toward a gift for the company owners.  A small token of appreciation.  The gifts are then presented at the lunch.  As part of the money collecting process, a manilla folder holding the cards and money envelope is circulated around the office and makes its way to my desk.  As suspected, I have no cash on hand (if only they would accept a debit card).  So I pass the folder on to the next person and keep my name on the list.  About a week passes by and I am approached by a co-worker inquiring as to whether or not I have the money envelope on my desk.  I explain I had the folder but passed it on.  Said employee asked me to check ... money has gone missing.  Yikes.  I am positive I don't have it even though my desk is a complete mess of organization.  As suspected, no money envelope.  The overall search continues but on the down-low.  Don't want the owners or some new hires catching wind.  A bit awkward.

The holiday season continues to be busy, especially at work.  Days before the company lunch, some co-workers and I have an annual meeting with one of our clients.   We've worked with this group for many years so it is a casual atmosphere.  Everyone is arriving at the meeting, making small talk, catching up.  As we move closer to starting the meeting, I reach into my work bag to grab my stuff.  I happen to notice something, a white window envelope.  I then notice a tinge of green ... I think to myself what the heck is that?  Then the light bulb goes off ... a small screech ... the gift money ... I had the stolen money!!!!  OMG, how embarrasing.  (and no, I didn't steal it!) 

There you have it sister.  By the way, fantastic quote jar.  You described it to me but I have to say it looks better than I expected.  And I can't believe Ed was hanging out with Tyra Banks ~ I love America's Next Top Model!!!! 

do you see the owl?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tricia's Krafty Korner

(For the record, I can't stand when people misspell words on purpose to make them cuter, I mean kuter. A few true examples ~ Kidz Kutz and Kids Kamp. Funny how it usually involves children. Aren't we trying to get them to spell correctly with the miles of spelling lists?)

On to the craft! Once you stop laughing your ars off because you know (and I know) this may be my lone craft --> you will run to Target and Staples as you still have time to create this thoughtful Christmas gift.

1. To start, I collect quotes. Not sure if there is a formal name for this but let's go with "quote collector." Even if you are not, it is easy to go online and find quotes to your heart's content. Type up a list of at least 52 per week. I went overboard in case a few blow away or it is an especially challenging week in need of inspiration. I covered many topics and the authors ranged from Jackie Kennedy and Forrest Gump to Albert Einstein and Tennyson. I included the thoughtful, fashionable, philosophical, and hysterical. Take your list to Staples and make copies. Find the perfect color of paper ~ ivory for me!

2. Next, head to Target and buy clear jars. I chose a square utility jar with a lid. You can be creative here...utilitarian, fancy, or unique -- the choice is all yours!

3. Then, grab your shears! I used a straight edge and a pinking shear for variety. Cut your quotes into strips like fortune cookies and fold in half. Place in the jar.

4. Finally, wrap around a ribbon and a gift tag and viola! A simple, thoughtful gift that will last all year long!! Don't forget to make one for me. You know I love quotes. ;)

In closing, a quick quiz...nothing to do with the kraft.

Who did my dear husband hang out with today? (answer at end)
A.Sarah Jessica Parker
B.Tyra Banks
C. Magic Johnson
D.All of the Above

Who did I hang out with today?
A. Grace & Henry
B. Emma & William
C. Their little friends
D. All of the Above

Hope you have found the holiday spirit sister! I am STILL laughing about "Follie" #2 and can't wait for #3. btw I thought the misspell was on purpose perhaps. And, hope our lovely mother has a fabulous birthday!! I know she'll love the gifts her daughters bought her. (I hope you saved your receipt)


(both answers are D - Mr.B had charity day at work - fun!)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I think it is becoming pretty evident that I have been slightly off center lately.  It happens but all you can do is work toward getting back on track.  I just don't love that it comes at a time of year that should be jolly.  I did attend a festive event last week that always makes me smile.  But this year I stepped away with something probably not appreciated by all, or anyone for that matter. 

Every year since Jack was a baby we attend a tree lighting ceremony in a little town next to ours.  The highlight is the music.  The performances by middle school and high school students change every year, are usually super casual but really festive.  We love it!  This year Jack's 6th grade band performed as well as the high school chorale.  The festivities take place in the town's catch all building which is used for little league basketball, aerobic classes and most of all the police station.  The building used to be a high school.  At first blush, it comes off as a crusty old building.  But when I sat in the auditorium waiting for the performances to begin, I noticed a couple of things.  High above on the ceiling were original schoolhouse light fixtures: flush mounts above the balcony and then several pendants on chains.  It was neat coming across a vintage fixture that I just love.  The other neat thing in the auditorium were the seats.  I know, strange.  The seats were wood, trimmed in metal.  And the school "monogram" if you will was embossed on the end of each row.  How cool ~ who does that anymore? 

Alright, onto the good stuff.  As promised, here is the next folly in line (BTW sister, were you going to tell me that I spelled "folly" wrong in the first one).

Folly #2  It is still early in December (2009) and I am determined to be on my shopping game.  Especially after smooshing my Christmas tree.  So I head to Target over lunch on a mission and with a list.  So much to buy ... teachers, parents, nieces, nephews, etc.  The store is packed but I am focused.  Much success.  So I check-out, leave the store and push my mother load of gifts thru the parking lot. 

Again, it is very cold, slight rain and the parking lot is full.  Due to the crowds, I had to park really far away.  I get to my car and open my trunk which is of course packed with stuff.  So I literally almost crawl into my trunk to move stuff around to make room for new stuff.  Success again, everything should fit.  So without looking I reach for my buggy handle ~ no handle.  Sh**, I just knew my buggy plowed into the neighbors car.  Immediatley I think of my options: leave a note or flee the scene.  So I turn to access the damage ... No buggy!  Where the hell is my buggy.  I look around ... there she be ... she let loose and was flying about mach 90 down the middle of the driveway with my mother load of gifts.  Heading straight toward the store.  I ran like never before!

Stayed tuned ... one more folly to come!
old high school auditorium seat

Monday, December 6, 2010

'tis the Season to be Kind to Others

Ok that I have stopped laughing at your folly, it is time to get down to some serious business. No jokes. Since I don't have a soapbox, I will stand on the empty ornament box next to my beautiful Christmas tree. Now, I am going to warn you to keep reading until the very end, where it will (hopefully) make sense.

With Christmas in the air, I have been pondering about the Christ part of it a lot lately. Not so much about Christmas being the birthday of Jesus, but that catchy saying, "What would Jesus do?" or WWJD for short. I feel like people all around me ~ strangers and acquaintances alike ~ seem to be behaving badly. Horribly if truth be told.

Here is perfect example. While enjoying breakfast at the diner this morning, the "balloon man" stopped by and offered to make those twisty balloon animals for my four children! After choosing their animals and balloon colors, my kiddies waited politely and patiently for their finished products. (here we go) The family sitting next to us was leaving, but noticed the "balloon man" and his desirable goods. Instead of waiting politely and patiently, they went to the owner of the diner and demanded immediate balloons. The owner approached the "balloon man" and demanded he give OUR balloon animals to the other family. The smart "balloon man" held his ground and refused not once, but twice, and the owner stomped off. (true) As a parent, I wonder if teaching your children to make demands and recieve immediate gratification is the way to go.

Another classic dear friend K and I compared similar stories of almost being run down by automobiles while we were walking in CROSSWALKS. Lately, drivers seem to think they have the right of way at all times, regardless of what the law says. Forget about the law, how about decency, manners, and kindness? BTW I am going to toot my own horn --> I always stop my minivan for walkers, joggers, bikers, etc. even if there are no white lines in sight. Where is everyone driving so quickly that one can't pause for a moment?? Even when I was driving to the hospital to have a baby (4x), there was no plowing over folks in crosswalks.

As a football wife & mother, you know we could write an entire blog about adults and children behaving poorly at practices and games. I heard about a coach who called a second grader a "cheater" during a game. 40 yr old man vs. 7 year old girl. Nice. And, the teammate who made it a point to tell my daughter that she actually came in first & Grace was second - while the electronic system registered my daughter as first. Really?! Who cares. What happened to sportsmanship? That's something I want my children to come first in.

Now it's time to get back to the Christmas & Jesus part. I wish everyone would think a little more about others when choosing what to say and how to act; hence the, what would Jesus do? Would Jesus demand balloon sheep from another family? Would Jesus run over pedestrians in crosswalks?? Would He call a little girl a cheater??? I know the answer and you do too. Tomorrow I am going to try extra hard to think about others and treat everyone with kindness and care. Maybe you can do the same. And, with a little grace, maybe it will be contagious and the world will be a better place. 'tis the season.

Emma's Balloon Bunny

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Happy Saturday Sister!  It is almost 6:30 pm and I am still in my pajamas.  OMG.  I haven't quite found my inner Christmas spirit yet.  Usually after Thanksgiving I play Christmas music 24/7.  I am still listening to Taylor Swift's Speak Now CD over and over.  My house looks like a tornado ripped thru it about two times.  And did I mention I'm addicted to the Yahtzee app (you really should check it out). 

Tomorrow we are scheduled to cut down a Christmas tree.  That's right, directly from the tree farm.  Last year we found a new, rustic location that had the most amazing selection and did not have all the commercial hoop-la.  As I wrap my mind around decorating the house and trying to get in the Christmas spirit, it has brought back an interesting memory of the weeks leading up to Christmas 2009.  Ah, just when the stress level is high, could these events possibly have pushed me over the top?

Follie #1  We packed up the kids and headed to the tree farm.  It was a very cold day that included heavy, wet snow.  In order to find the perfect tree, we had to make our way thru ruts of mud.  The kids were cold.  I of course had to get the perfect photo ~ finding the tree, cutting down the tree and then walking the tree to the car.  Somewhere in between I recall a mini snowball fight.  I believe someone even launched one at the photographer (i.e. me).  After hunting around a bit, success, there "she" was ... Christmas Tree 2009.  What a beauty.  We tie her onto the car and make our way home.  Due to the wet snow, the tree had to sit outside of the house to dry off.  Day progresses. 

I round up the kids for basketball practice.  We all pile into the car.  I open the garage door and back out over what feels like a speed bump.  Keep going down the driveway but something isn't right.  Pull back up the driveway.  Get out of the car.  The tree!  I just ran over our freshly cut beautiful tree.   Not only did I run it over but I then proceeded to drag it back up the driveway.  Green needles smeared into asphalt. 

Dare I sign my name (maybe someone will think this craziness belongs to you).  Ok, as told by yours truly,

But wait!  Stay tuned ... one might think it not possible but yes, two more follies to come!
tree farm 2009

Friday, December 3, 2010

Photo Friday No. 3

Ready for Preschool
New Jersey

new favorite app for the iPad - addicted!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"20x200: It's Art for Everyone"

The above title pretty much sums up the philosophy of my favorite, new website 20x200. It is the brainchild of Jen Bekman, who opened her own art gallery in NYC in 2003. (field trip anyone??) Then, in 2007, she came up with a most ingenious equation -->

(limited editions x low prices) + the Internet = ART FOR EVERYONE!!!

Ms. Bekman decided to use the Internet to bring together people who want to sell their art with people who want to buy art. Simple! She offers art prints and photographs that span anyone's interest spectrum. By providing many ways to browse price, subject, color, artist, etc., Ms. Bekman makes it super easy for the novice and the pro. There are usually three sizes and prices available for each piece of art. Originals are available by inquiry. All art is accompanied by a numbered certificate of authenticity that is signed by the artist. (personally, I always tape this on the back of the framed piece for safekeeping)

I am truly addicted to this little corner of art heaven. Become an art addict and subscribe to her newsletter. A couple times a week, a new artist and piece of artwork pops into my inbox!! Check this out ~~~ the below photograph (by Christian Chaize) from the 20x200 site was spied by me, in the current issue of Elle Decor, hanging in someone's fabulous home. It can hang in your home too!

OK here is your homework. Pick out a piece of artwork you LoVE, spend $20.00, and become an art collector. If you need some inexpensive framing tips, Ms. Bekman has a great video clip that takes you through the easy steps. I can't wait to see what you choose! Maybe you'll share it here...


Response to DUDS: not sure where to start. I know exactly what pair of pants you are talking about - I had the same pair 12 years ago. They did swoosh. Wonder if the pink umbrella was perhaps Kate's? Was it tiny? We should probably go may need some serious intervention. Wonder if you are a hoarder. Strongly believe T still has the original Preppy Handbook in her basement. It may be worth a dig.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So much to say today!  There was a monsoon blowing thru.  In two ways: 7 year old throwing up and a heck of a rain storm.  

We made it thru the night last night without throwing up all over the bed (thank goodness because that would require me to clean the bedding immediately).  He was home from school today with T&T.  Playing computer games ~ my instructions were to work on challenge words for Friday's spelling test.  Mission was accomplished.

So I get ready for work this morning.  Sometimes I get dressed, look in the mirror, and say to myself, what was I thinking.  But the schedule is tight, down to the minute, and there is no time to change.  So I just have to go with it.  Today's outfit was simply bad and old.  Since I am a bit of a pack-rat (not quite a hoarder) I have a very old pair of pants from Abercrombie & Fitch.  These probably go back 12+ years.  I know, why do I still have them?  They are black and grey plaid, lined wool, somewhat of a skinny peg leg.  These were toally out of style for probably 10 of the 12 years.  When you walk, they make that swooshing old lady sound.  Did I mention they didn't fit for years?  Well, they fit now and the skinny leg is in!  Score one for me.  To complete the outfit, I added an old but simple black knit sweater from the Gap.  Thru on some pearls to help spruce it up (that didn't help at all).  Can you picture this sister?

Then we go downstairs and get ready to leave.  It is now pouring sheets of rain outside.  I realize my umbrella is in M's van.  Dig thru the vintage lockers for anything that resesmbles an umbrealla ~ score again!  It is pink and has a ruffle.  Leave for work.

Get to work, still pouring, get out of car with pink ruffle umbrella.  It fits nicely over just my head (kind of like a bowl and I am thinking this is perfect ~ do we really need excess umbrella?).  I made my way thru the parking lot holding my small shopping bag from The Pearl Street Market (don't we just love that market ~ think lobster egg rolls).  This bag holds my "stuff" that I just need to take between home and work every day.  The edges of the bag are ripping.  I mend them with scotch tape.  The tape wasn't holding because of the rain.  Co-worker L.G. always asks why I don't get a new bag.  I probably have 3 large shopping bags at home that hold about 90 other shopping bags (again, pack-rat but not hoarder).  I guess because that would require me to go thru the stuff that is actually in the bag and deal with it.  Better left untouched for now.

Get into office building ~ bottom of hair is wet.  Hmm.  Do you think anyone saw me walking into the building with my bad outfit, pink ruffle umbrella and torn shopping bag?  I see my options as this:  a.) get my fashion act together and spend some time planning outfits b.) hope a bag full of hand me downs ends up on my doorstep that include labels like Tory Burch, Banana Republic, J. Crew, BCBG, Tory Burch, J. Crew (wink, wink sister).

P.S. I want everything on your Wrap It Up list.  Especially the preppy handbook (new and old).  How did I possibly get rid of mine from the 7th/8th grade ~ that was only about 28 years ago.  T must have thrown it out!  Darn her.

Yours Truly,
a soggy, unstyled for the day T

did I mention the boots?  just kidding, maybe?