There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Thursday, November 25, 2010


As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them. - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

So much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving makes me pause and remember the many blessings in my life. A wonderful family, amazing friends, good health, a charming roof over my head, delicious food on the table, and warm (chic!) clothing on this brisk day. Thinking about JFK's quote stirs something inside of me. What can I do, with all that I have, to help others? Stay tuned. Happy Thanksgiving!


Blessed are we and may we not take for granted that for which we have.  I am thankful for perspective and hope to never lose sight of it.  I heard a speaker recently who challenged us to choose one person to help and raise them up.  Even if it means making them greater than yourself.  I try to move forward with a humble step and silently help those around me.  I am thankful to everyone in my life who silently help me.  Happy Thanksgiving as well!


Thanksgiving 2009 ~ we often reflect back on this magical night.

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