There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I know you are not a Taylor Swift fan but I think you know her new song with the lyrics "why you gotta' be so mean?".  Seriously, why are people so mean?

Set the stage:  Friday night football games, the band is playing, the cheerleaders are cheering and the fans are clapping.  Kids, young kids, are back and forth from the bleachers to the track to the snack stand and back again.  Then from the bleachers to the track to watch the cheerleaders up close and back again.  This pretty much goes on and on all game long, every game.  And I might add the kids are well behaved.  Just good ole' fashioned kid fun.

Infront of us in the reserved section sits a couple.  Presumably husband and wife.  They each probably go for 2-1/2 spins on the scale.  Their portable seats with the backs hyperextend way into the aisle behind them.  I might add I think they are too old to have high school age kids ~ I think they are merely spectators, which is fine.  So here it goes: early in the season, they called the Athletic Director to complain about all the kids running up and down the bleachers.  He diplomatically asked if they would like their seats changed.  No they said, and added that they know some of the kids belong to the Athletic Director himself.  Hmm.

Fast forward to this past Friday night.  We all know the grumpy couple infront of us hates the kids.  The moms seem to be on eggshells gingerly coaxing the kids not to get near "the couple".  Observing this couple for awhile, I really think they are crazy.  So Kate and her 4 year old friend "run" down the bleachers and someone overheard the lady say "I hope the little bit**es fall".  Really?  Who says that?  Mean people. 

The second story comes even closer to home, actually in my home, where we have the "frienemies".  In this instance I know she doesn't have mean intentions but quite the opposite.  Although it does end up being daily torture for him.  Somehow though he takes it and always goes back for more.  I think he might actually love her as evidenced in the picture below.  She's not mean, she is just his friend.

So sister, may we look to surround ourselves with good, nice people.  And may we act accordingly.


She = Kate     He = Cat

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