There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Friday, October 22, 2010

While you were gone...

Hip, hip hooray for Friday! I have missed you ALL week as you are soaking up a new city. I can't wait to hear all about it...I know your new posts will be so much better than mine. Need to schedule my own trip to a new city in order to keep up. ;)Here is a collection of what you have missed out on while you were gone. Happy reading!

1. There was screaming in my kitchen as I opened a package. My dear husband surprised me with a NEW mobile phone ~ I confess I have been grumbling about my old one. Mostly about how old it is. Here's the around 6 AM, I was also grumbling to my dear husband about leaving his dirty wineglass in the sink for me to clean. At that moment, I am guessing he wished he could intercept the wonderful surprise package that was en route to crabby wife. Maybe I should send him some flowers.

2. I gathered a group of amazing women together to celebrate fall last night. There were glittery pumpkins, delicious platters of local eats, seasonal wines, glowing candles, surprise favors, and hilarious conversations. Surrounded by my friends for an evening, I was blessed. Wish you could have joined us!! "I am a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love." - Eddie Vedder

3. Changing gears, late last night, my family played the game of "musical beds" ~ I know you play it too. I wasn't sure which of the four was in bed with me...I had to feel the kid's hair to figure it out. Then, another kid wanted to snuggle in, but alas, there was no room with the parents and the mystery kid. So, I got up and went into that kid's room, which luckily also had the mystery kid's now empty bed. Later, using GPS, my littlest found me in the mystery bed and climbed in. I think I need a grande cuppa caffeine. I would love to sleep at a hotel tonight, but I am sure they would still find me somehow.

That's all for now. I could go on and on, but there is a mountain of wash to be done and some chicken to go into my slow cooker. Hurry up and publish a post!!!


BTW 9 more days until Halloween! I may dig out my witch hat and wear it all week. I'll look spooky riding on my broom, I mean in my black minivan.

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