There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Greetings Sister from the truly beautiful city of San Francisco! Well I am officially here on business but my travel associate and I have done an amazing job of squeezing in a ton of sightseeing. Where to begin ...

I probably should start by saying I did not refer to any of Gwyneth's recommendations on her GOOP - I figured I just couldn't afford or get to any of it. But, I did pass the Goyard retail shop in Union Square. That was pretty exciting (strange, I know).

We definitely did all the big touristy things - we had a taxi driver take us down Lombard Street - the curviest street in the country. It was great! Toured Alcatraz - not quite as dreary as I would have imagined and not really big either. Worth the tour. On the way to "The "Rock" we finally saw the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge. It was cloudy but we still saw it. Not a super long bridge but architecturally amamzing. And of course we took a trolley ride which was pretty much the same as a bus ride. Looks much cuter on TV.

We are staying in the business district in the city and I can't get over how much it reminds me of Manhattan. A ton of people out and about with a great energy.

Did I mention I bought way too many souvenirs all of which either say or look like San Francisco!


P.S. To post photos from my computer - I don't see an attachment button on my iPad!

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