There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sit Sat Set

When I renovated my old house a few years back, I ended up with a master bedroom complete with a bathroom, walk-in closet, and sitting room. While I personally love drooling over the master bedroom "sitting rooms" pictured in my stacks of decorating/design magazines, it causes me to wonder about a few things...

#1 I actually never SIT in my bedroom. When I walk through the doorway, I crawl into bed as fast as I can to get some much needed sleep. #2 if I was able to SIT in my bedroom, what exactly would I do? Read? Post blogs? Hide from family? #3 Saved the worst for last ~ this space could be a place for my stacks of shoes and sweaters to SIT. (reader, we're talking about a grand closet) I do dream about having my own closet instead of sharing one with my dear husband. When my architect inquired if sharing a closet was okay, I mumbled, "Fine." But, truly, it has never been fine. We are the Oscar and Felix of closets.

So, much to my dismay, and probably yours, my "sitting room" is empty. True. I ponder what to do with this space. I believe every inch of a house is precious real estate. A desk? A pair of chairs? A daybed? What do you think??

This chair has been hanging around on my bulletin board for awhile. I keep coming back to it. I love the combination of modern, vintage, and masculine. The idea of me sitting in this chair in a quiet nook in my house is appealing. Perhaps, it would encourage me to slow down a bit and appreciate the moment. And, if I wanted to, I could just sit.

Welcome home.


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