There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Friday, October 8, 2010

To Short or Not to Short

Do you remember what it was like when we went back to school in the 70's? (yes, we are in the four-oh club) We wore wool sweaters with skirts and knee socks with saddle shoes. Fast forward to today, which happens to be October 8th, and I am debating about whether or not to wear SHORTS! (I am shouting) Don't get me wrong, I embraced the denim, cut-off short so much this summer that I bought four pairs. I truly love them all, but when the calendar says "October" I want to welcome back my jeans. Skinny, Minnie, faded, whatever, any pair will do. However, as much I have turned on my shorts, the weather in New Jersey is hovering in the summer temperatures, so guess what I'm wearing again?? (and if I could figure out how to post a photo, I would show you my favorite pair with plaid patches)

By the way, I also based my decision on one of Miss Emma's observations. Yesterday, she insisted on wearing her new Uggs to kindergarten. She begged and pleaded. She pleaded and begged. After school, she said, "Mommy, I want to wear my flip flops." I wonder if her cousin, Miss Kate is wearing her Uggs too. Hmmmm.

I it global warming or just Indian Summer? Either way, I am going to embrace an almost perfect fall day and try to figure out how to stop the squirrels from devouring our pumpkins. I'll work on the photo posts too.

Tricia (in shorts!)

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