There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Happy Halloween!  I know it is a bit early but the spookiness is already starting.  When I got home from work yesterday, I went to open the patio door and it was already slightly open.  I asked the kids if anyone opened it and they said no ~ now that is spooky!

We are geared up for our trick-or-treating tomorrow night.  I love that we do this on a Friday night ... the anticipation all day.  Start at 6:00 just when it is getting dark.  Leaves on the ground (they crunch if not wet) and the crisp fall air.  Kids running around with the parents in tow.  Besides all of that, why is trick-or-treating on a Friday night so great?  The party afterwards of course!  Well not really a party just an impromptu get together but it has become a favorite. 

Here is the lineup of kid costumes:  11 year old - Rock Star (kind of looks like Elvis but not Elvis)   7 year old - Luigi (green version of Mario)   4 year old - Witch (broom sold separately but definitely required).  As for me, I contemplated a witch hat because that seems to be a mom favorite (don't you have a hat T?) but I opted for some crazy silver hairspray instead!

Some last minutes treats to buy tomorrow then let the spookiness begin ~ a little preview for you:



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