There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Adieu Halloween

Wake up.
Bill climbs into bed. Emma climbs in too.
Rest of house, quiet.
Wish little ones Happy Halloween!
Slumber party girls awake.
Magic show! Breakfast.
Jump in leaves wearing pjs ~
Girls go home.
Anticipate trick-or-treat...
Children in costumes, dig out candy sacks.
Trample through neighborhood.
Leaves crunch. Wind whirls.
Jack-o-lanterns on porches.
Ring doorbells, "Trick-or-Treat"
Piles of treats.
Snapshots of memories.
Back home.
Tubs, books, bed, lights out.
Farewell Halloween.


Saturday, October 30, 2010


Trick-or-treat smell my feet, give me something good to eat!  

As you mentioned yesterday sister, we are in the process of making memories for our kids.  In the process though, I try to take a moment to remember our memories from when we were kids.  Our neighborhood was very similar to where I live now.  Lots of trees and lots of leaves.  Do you remember the costumes mom so lovingly sewed for us.  For some reason a clown is coming to mind.  I think she still has some of them.  I remember the plastic pumpkins that would hold all of our candy and the distinct smell when all that different candy was mixed together. 

So our memories from Halloween 2010 go something like this:

BFF Jen and the girls joined us as they have for so many years and we tried to snap some good photos.

We set out to visit neighbors and collect candy and without planning we slowly became a very large group with a whole lot of kids (all moms plus one willing dad).

The "it's not really a party" then formed at my kitchen table.  We eagerly awaited our high school friend Tim to see what he was dressing up as ~ this year he was a cat decked out in full length black spandex and a purple wig.  He carried it off way too well.

The kids played in the basement.  The boys tossed balls and played video games (only had to yell at them twice).  The girls ... the girls, the girls, the girls.  I think they are responsible for single handedly trashing my basement!  Two four year olds and two five year olds.  Really?  There are tiny little pieces of girl toys everywhere!  Every bin was dumped out.  The crib, strollers, etc. were all tossed about.  Is this the way they see my house thru their eyes.  OMG ~ I think I may need some serious help.  The one and only wall hanging in the entire basement was tilted to its side and ready to fall off its nail.  Deep breaths! 

And last but not least, the bigger kids had a sleep over (not at our house) and played the good old fashioned candy exchange game followed by truth or dare.  The dare was to eat the least appealing candy and we all know which candy bar that is. 

It truly was a wonderful night.  I wish you some magical moments tomorrow when you and the crew set out on your adventure.

Side note:  I got my hands on a witch hatch to wear ~ I somehow lost it while running errands.  I think it blew away when I was loading groceries in my trunk.  If some other witch finds it, please return it promptly!

Witch with UGGS but no broom!

sneak peak at the basement

Friday, October 29, 2010

Things That Go Bump in the Night

Today was a much anticipated day in my house. For my two oldest children, it was a day of sing-a-longs, parades, and parties all celebrating Halloween at their school. For me, it was a day of hustle, bustle, crazy chaos trying to keep up with the frantic schedule of it all. Honestly, this day is most anticipated by none other than me ~ it gives me memories to last a lifetime.

Well, as we all know, it doesn't always happen the way we imagine. It rarely does. First, at 4:00 AM (yes AM), something went bump in the night. My dear Emma got the dreaded stomach virus and we all know the rest of that story. After numerous visits to the bathroom, I was going to put my best foot forward and enjoy the sing-a-longs at school (sans poor Emma of course). With camera in hand, I quickly realized my witch, Grace, was standing behind the tallest girl in fourth grade. There would be no photos, except of the tall girl in front of her. Still I was resigned to put my best foot forward...the moms in the audience started grumbling. "This is going to take up my entire morning! I am glad this is my last year of this!" Was there a Scrooge of Halloween? I guess anything is possible with ghosts involved.

Looking back, after a couple of much needed glasses of wine, there were many "bumps" in my beloved day. Still, I am not going to let it spoil one of my most cherished days of the year. Do you know why I love it so? I imagine when I am eighty, these festive, crazy, perfect, fall Halloween days will fill my mind with memories of my children when they were little. And, if that isn't enough, sometimes when life gives you pumpkins, you have to make pumpkin pie.

Wish I was trick-or-treating with you tonight...


ps follow-up to Mom vs. Squirrel: mom is winning! Hairspray is the secret weapon!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Happy Halloween!  I know it is a bit early but the spookiness is already starting.  When I got home from work yesterday, I went to open the patio door and it was already slightly open.  I asked the kids if anyone opened it and they said no ~ now that is spooky!

We are geared up for our trick-or-treating tomorrow night.  I love that we do this on a Friday night ... the anticipation all day.  Start at 6:00 just when it is getting dark.  Leaves on the ground (they crunch if not wet) and the crisp fall air.  Kids running around with the parents in tow.  Besides all of that, why is trick-or-treating on a Friday night so great?  The party afterwards of course!  Well not really a party just an impromptu get together but it has become a favorite. 

Here is the lineup of kid costumes:  11 year old - Rock Star (kind of looks like Elvis but not Elvis)   7 year old - Luigi (green version of Mario)   4 year old - Witch (broom sold separately but definitely required).  As for me, I contemplated a witch hat because that seems to be a mom favorite (don't you have a hat T?) but I opted for some crazy silver hairspray instead!

Some last minutes treats to buy tomorrow then let the spookiness begin ~ a little preview for you:



Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When Witches Go Riding

With only three days to go until my oldest daughter's "Halloween Extravaganza" at school, it happened. She had a change of heart about her costume. Rather a meltdown at bedtime. Grace, my lover of horses, had a beautiful dressage costume planned. I must admit, she looked every inch equestrian in her tall, leather boots and neat, navy blazer. Right out of a Ralph Lauren ad. That was at a party on Sunday, and now, it is Wednesday.

Most of us have been in that bed, in the dark of night, confessing our doubts and fears to our mothers. It seems my Grace is afraid her peers won't know what a "dressage" rider is. (I will admit, I wasn't sure how to spell it) She pointed out that when she was a falconer last year, friends commented, "Weird." (my heart broke into a million pieces) I wanted to shout at her, "Don't let them change you for one minute! Don't let them win ~ be a dressage rider!" But, I didn't shout. Instead, as I hugged her, I realized some things in life never change.

Deep inside most of us is a strong desire to be similar to those we surround ourselves with. We want to fit into whatever group, club or team we are part of. As I look around, I notice I am no different than my friends. We wear similar necklaces with our children's names, ballet flats with skinny jeans, and LuLu Lemon workout gear. Even our husbands, children, cars, and homes have common threads. Admittedly, it all feels right somehow. It fits.

I can't change what is deep inside my daughter, for it resides deep inside me too. My head can tell me otherwise ~ Dare to be different! March to your own beat! ~ but, my heart wins most of the time. So as I cruised the aisles of Target this morning, I assembled the perfect witch costume for my Grace. I hope it fits. I pray it feels right.

Keeping in the spirit of Halloween, I present you with the quote on my chalkboard this week. I wonder if you will use it on your chalkboard too.

"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs, and whispers 'tis near Halloween." - author unknown


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


For some reason, food is on my mind.  Could it be that my favorite family owned lunch cafe closed its doors for good.  After 11 years in business, I probably ate there twice a week for the past eight years.  Of late, my lunch consisted of a simple salad with provolone cheese, homemade croutons and balsamic vinegar dressing & their soup of the day.  Not one of their soups ever dissapointed me ~ I most certainly had a couple of favorites. 

I would not describe myself as a "foodie".  I always thought of a foodie as someone who actually likes to cook.  But when I searched Wikipedia for a definition I was quite surprised.  I learned that a foodie is basically someone who likes to eat food, prepare food, learn about food and is an amateur food person (and I don't think it has to be collective).  So I love to eat but most certainly don't love to cook.  I dislike that cooking can be an all day event ~ the shopping, the preparing, the cooking, the eating, the cleaning up.  Yikes.  During the time I actually spend at home, this process just doesn't seem to be my priority.  But did I mention that I love food?  Does this make me a foodie?

At work today, a friend and I were talking about treats for this coming weekend.  She mentioned that her daughter tested a homemade caramel dip with peanuts.  Yum!  She thought the ingredients may have been mismeasured, just didn't taste quite right.  So my natural inquiry was why don't you just buy the caramel dip.  There are alot of great brands on the shelf, prepared and ready to go.  All you have to do is add the peanuts.  That is without a doubt what I would do.  Some things are just better bought already prepared and ready to serve (ok, so maybe a lot of things in my culinary world).  So my friend just looked at me ~ she wasn't convinced.  Props to her and her daughter.  Maybe they will save some and give me a taste.

So I've determined that part of my kid's story is that they will miss out on fine dining within the walls of our house (sad but true).  They know frozen pancakes instead of homemade pancakes,  they know frozen chicken fingers and boxed mashed potatoes.  Once in awhile I surprise everyone ~ I either whip out the cookbook or the box of pancake mix.  Take a look sister ... are you impressed?  THIS was created in MY kitchen: 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sit Sat Set

When I renovated my old house a few years back, I ended up with a master bedroom complete with a bathroom, walk-in closet, and sitting room. While I personally love drooling over the master bedroom "sitting rooms" pictured in my stacks of decorating/design magazines, it causes me to wonder about a few things...

#1 I actually never SIT in my bedroom. When I walk through the doorway, I crawl into bed as fast as I can to get some much needed sleep. #2 if I was able to SIT in my bedroom, what exactly would I do? Read? Post blogs? Hide from family? #3 Saved the worst for last ~ this space could be a place for my stacks of shoes and sweaters to SIT. (reader, we're talking about a grand closet) I do dream about having my own closet instead of sharing one with my dear husband. When my architect inquired if sharing a closet was okay, I mumbled, "Fine." But, truly, it has never been fine. We are the Oscar and Felix of closets.

So, much to my dismay, and probably yours, my "sitting room" is empty. True. I ponder what to do with this space. I believe every inch of a house is precious real estate. A desk? A pair of chairs? A daybed? What do you think??

This chair has been hanging around on my bulletin board for awhile. I keep coming back to it. I love the combination of modern, vintage, and masculine. The idea of me sitting in this chair in a quiet nook in my house is appealing. Perhaps, it would encourage me to slow down a bit and appreciate the moment. And, if I wanted to, I could just sit.

Welcome home.


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Finally, a couple of photos from my trip (truly don't want to bore you):

1.  BELDEN PLACE:  The young woman who checked us into our hotel was kind enough to offer up this quite hidden spot.  It is literally a row of restaurants tucked in an alley between two rows of buildings.  Every restaurant has outside seating, all of which flows together, and overhead is strung with lights ~ how magical.  As we walked thru, we checked out all the menus and were given a personal disertation by the hostess.  How fun!

2.  GOYARD:  As we were heading out of the Westin Hotel after a lovely lunch, a storefront happened to catch my eye ... there they were, Goyard Handbags!  Like I said before, very exciting for some reason.  The Goyard store is located in Union Square which is surrounded by very high end luxury stores.  Always a treat even if purchases are out of my reach.

3.  GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE:  So it took awhile but we finally caught a glimpse (literally) of this beautiful bridge.  We were able to see the peaks from the tower of the de Young Museum which is located in Golden Gate Park.  If you look closely, you can see too!  On our trip to Alcatraz, we were able to see the entire bridge although it was cloudy out.

4.  LOMBARD STREET:  For some reason, we really wanted to see and experience what is termed the "Crookedest Street".  So we hopped in a taxi and our driver totally bought into our tourism ... he drove us thru the Nob Hill, past Grace Cathederal, to Lombard Street.  What surprised me was that the street is actually brick and tightly landscaped so beautifully.  There are houses along Lombard Street and one can only wonder how the owners maneuver in and out of their driveways on a daily basis.  This was quite the tourist attraction and a bit hard to photograph.  The "people" in the photo are not me! 

There you have it Sister, just a couple of photo highlights from San Francisco!  There was so much to explore ~ I wish I could post all of it.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Extra, Extra, Read All About It

"Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own."" - William Hazlitt

On my nightstand, I have a stack of books waiting to be read, as well as the book I am currently reading. The bookcases in my home are overflowing with books and even my computer contains some digital copies. This makes me wonder...can one be addicted to books?? I know my addiction started when I was a little girl. At our local library, I would check out the limit of books allowed, which I could barely carry. Today, I love visiting our independent town bookstore to look at all of the choices and relish in the possibilities. My favorite part occurs when I ask the owner what great books she has read lately and, of course, buy each and every one of them. (she hasn't recommended a lemon yet!) To further my addiction, I keep lengthy lists of "books to read", just in case I am on a deserted island with years of nothing much to do and my iPad with a solar charger. Sometimes, I must admit, I am reluctant to begin a new book because I am still savoring the one I just finished. Addicted? Perhaps.

My gift to you today is my "books to read" list! Personally, I am tempted to go to straight to the bookstore (when I get out of my pj's) and buy the entire list in one fell swoop. Enjoy!

A Year of Mornings ~ Maria Vettese & Stephanie Congdon
The Blind Side ~ Michael Lewis
Three Cups of Tea ~ Greg Mortenson
Life Would Be Perfect if I Lived in That House ~ Meghan Daum
Half a Yellow Sun ~ Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Children of Freedom ~ Marc Levy
Furious Longing of God ~ Brennan Manning
The Blindness of the Heart ~ Julia Franck
Never Let Me Go ~ Kazuo Ishiguro
The Dirty Life ~ Kristin Kimball
Half a Life ~ Darin Strauss
The Selby ~ Todd Selby

xo tricia


Greetings Sister from the truly beautiful city of San Francisco! Well I am officially here on business but my travel associate and I have done an amazing job of squeezing in a ton of sightseeing. Where to begin ...

I probably should start by saying I did not refer to any of Gwyneth's recommendations on her GOOP - I figured I just couldn't afford or get to any of it. But, I did pass the Goyard retail shop in Union Square. That was pretty exciting (strange, I know).

We definitely did all the big touristy things - we had a taxi driver take us down Lombard Street - the curviest street in the country. It was great! Toured Alcatraz - not quite as dreary as I would have imagined and not really big either. Worth the tour. On the way to "The "Rock" we finally saw the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge. It was cloudy but we still saw it. Not a super long bridge but architecturally amamzing. And of course we took a trolley ride which was pretty much the same as a bus ride. Looks much cuter on TV.

We are staying in the business district in the city and I can't get over how much it reminds me of Manhattan. A ton of people out and about with a great energy.

Did I mention I bought way too many souvenirs all of which either say or look like San Francisco!


P.S. To post photos from my computer - I don't see an attachment button on my iPad!

Friday, October 22, 2010

While you were gone...

Hip, hip hooray for Friday! I have missed you ALL week as you are soaking up a new city. I can't wait to hear all about it...I know your new posts will be so much better than mine. Need to schedule my own trip to a new city in order to keep up. ;)Here is a collection of what you have missed out on while you were gone. Happy reading!

1. There was screaming in my kitchen as I opened a package. My dear husband surprised me with a NEW mobile phone ~ I confess I have been grumbling about my old one. Mostly about how old it is. Here's the around 6 AM, I was also grumbling to my dear husband about leaving his dirty wineglass in the sink for me to clean. At that moment, I am guessing he wished he could intercept the wonderful surprise package that was en route to crabby wife. Maybe I should send him some flowers.

2. I gathered a group of amazing women together to celebrate fall last night. There were glittery pumpkins, delicious platters of local eats, seasonal wines, glowing candles, surprise favors, and hilarious conversations. Surrounded by my friends for an evening, I was blessed. Wish you could have joined us!! "I am a lucky man to count on both hands the ones I love." - Eddie Vedder

3. Changing gears, late last night, my family played the game of "musical beds" ~ I know you play it too. I wasn't sure which of the four was in bed with me...I had to feel the kid's hair to figure it out. Then, another kid wanted to snuggle in, but alas, there was no room with the parents and the mystery kid. So, I got up and went into that kid's room, which luckily also had the mystery kid's now empty bed. Later, using GPS, my littlest found me in the mystery bed and climbed in. I think I need a grande cuppa caffeine. I would love to sleep at a hotel tonight, but I am sure they would still find me somehow.

That's all for now. I could go on and on, but there is a mountain of wash to be done and some chicken to go into my slow cooker. Hurry up and publish a post!!!


BTW 9 more days until Halloween! I may dig out my witch hat and wear it all week. I'll look spooky riding on my broom, I mean in my black minivan.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mom vs. Squirrel

Every fall, my little ones and I take a trip to the farm down the road to choose the perfect pumpkins. We relish in the variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. (white anyone?) I especially love the stems. (until the kids break them off) Afterwards, get much pleasure as we proudly place them in front of our home.

Well ~ this year, ALL of our beautiful pumpkins were eaten to bits by squirrels!! (o.k. my mother-in-law did hit one with her car) The front of our home looked like an orange bomb exploded seeds and pumpkin chunks everywhere. It was horrible. Not to mention, the obvious loss of much $$$. I understand the squirrels are hungry, but did they have to eat ALL of them??!!

Not to be defeated, we piled into our van and headed back to the farm for NEW pumpkins. I was a mom on a mission to defeat the squirrels once and for all. With much joy and more $$$, we chose our perfect pumpkins AGAIN. This time, I was armed with a secret weapon (insider tip from the farmer btw) With great care, I sprayed our pumpkins with hairspray. And, to show the squirrels this mom meant business, I emptied the entire can.

Today, as I gaze at the front of our home, it is festive with our brilliant pumpkins shining in the crisp sunshine. Victory! I am going to cherish my victory for a moment as I scatter a bag of peanuts for the squirrels.


Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am heading out of town this week on a business trip.  So I am packing!  I admit, I am kind of like Mama Tess ~ I have a tendancy to do some shopping prior to a trip or a vacation.  Yes, I bought some new clothing, recently bought a new purse & sunglasses, today I bought a practical bag to carry my book, snacks, etc.  But in shopping around, I actually came across something that got me very excited for some reason.  I know hotels provide you with delightful toiletries.  But I just couldn't resist this little item and I can't wait to use it ... see photo below.

So Sister, I will try to keep up my end of the Blog while I am out of town.  I will try to do some sightseeing and can hopefully share some photographs with you.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

If the Shoe Fits

What is it about a perfect pair of shoes that stirs something in my soul? I am reminded of Cinderella in her glass slippers at the ball or Dorothy in her ruby reds following the yellow brick road. I think these chic shoes must have stirred their souls too. Carrie Latet remarked, "Souls wouldn't wear suits and ties, they'd wear blue jeans and sit cross-legged with a glass of red wine." I suspect they'd wear a rockin' pair of heels too. Maybe green suede, like mine. Perfect. (and, yes, you can borrow them)

Always your sister,


Friday, October 15, 2010


Hey Sister, I knew October would be a particularly busy month.  Work seems to be front and center and sure enough it happened ~ I forgot something.

Today in our elementary school it was "Cool Shades Day".  This is a fundraiser for a boy in 3rd grade who is very ill.  The school is raising money toward his Make-A-Wish Foundation trip to Disney.  Such a great cause.

Matthew was at the bus stop this morning and saw a kid with their shades on.  Sure enough, his light bulb went off and the tears started to flow.  We forgot his sunglasses.  Truth be told we didn't even know it was Cool Shades Day.  But thank goodness for Grandma Tess ~ she sprinted home, grabbed a pair of non-descript sunglasses, stuck them on his head and off he went.

Obviously this makes me feel like awful mom of the month.  I don't let myself off the hook easily.  But I keep a great quote handy that helps me to keep perspective on being a mom:

"The most important thing she'd learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."  Jill Churchill
I will try to do better.

Happy weekend!
                                                                   (Cool Cat Matt)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Training Day

Brushing my teeth this morning, Grace wondered, " Mommy, are you going to run a half marathon one day? How about a marathon?" Together with Grace, in our tiny powder room, I was proud to be runner for so many reasons. To be honest, I did start running because I wanted to give my four children something to see me do, besides being their mom. I wanted them to watch me work very hard at something and witness the ups and downs along the way. I wanted them to feel pride as they watched me cross a finish line. Most of all, I wanted to inspire them to set their own goals and exceed them. A half marathon? Probably. A marathon? Maybe some day.

Did you run today?


P.S. Did you guess the author of my blog title on the 12th? If you chose Edgar Allan Poe, you are correct.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


There is a buzz in the air here in the cul-de-sac (and not from the family of bees living between the rocks in our landscaping).  Everyone is accessorizing their houses for the fall season and for Halloween.   It should come as no surprise to you Sister but I was faced with a bit of a design dilemma ... I could not decide what color mums to buy.  I know, quite silly.  But I consulted with Mike and he suggested orange, so I went with it.

Bought my mums, carefully arranged them outside, bought a couple of pumpkins, and then I realized something ... I love orange!  It is the perfect compliment to my otherwise very  simple color pallette of white, brown & grey found both inside and outside of my house.  I can't believe I considered any other color.

Have you tried orange too?


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary...

Hi Super Sister!

Growing up in the New Jersey/New York area, Henry has some obvious choices for "his" NFL team. Let's see... Jets? Giants anyone? Even your Eagles would make sense. Nope. Not for our Henry. He LOVES the Baltimore Ravens.  I wonder, is it because of Michael Oher's inspiring story? An affinity for purple and black? Fan of Edgar Allan Poe?? Whatever the reasons, the Ravens fill his seven year old heart with joy.

Over the weekend, Henry's dream came true and he got to watch the Ravens play the Broncos. As father and son left for Baltimore on a perfect fall day, I suggested they buy a souvenir t-shirt or sweatshirt at the stadium. I made it clear that a team jersey wasn't as practical. (moms, as we know, are practical) As I recall, I said this to my husband THREE times on his way out the door. Well, as you can see, Henry's heart is joyful, and I must admit, he looks adorable in his team jersey.

GO Ravens! GO #74!!

xo tb

Monday, October 11, 2010


There are the low rolling Blue Mountains close to home (part of the Appalachian), the beautiful Green Mountains in Vermont that we visit often and the majestic Rocky Mountains that we are getting to know and simply fell in love with.  But truly on my mind this evening are the mountains of wash that sit before me! 

Tell me sister, how does one keep up with the never ending house chores?  Kitchen, manageable.  Cleaning, got smart and hired someone to help.  But the wash ...

The saying goes it is either in you or its not.  Well managing the wash is not in me.  I vividly remember in college when I was on my own that I did a terrible job doing wash.  I had so much clothing in order to avoid doing wash at all costs. 

Everyone says, do alittle wash every day to keep up with it.  That is just not happening.  My wash routine is this ~ start Saturday morning and try to have everything washed and dried by Sunday early afternoon (usually about four loads total which is not bad).  Then on Sunday night I hunker down infront of the TV, watch one of my favorite shows (The Amazing Race) and fold until my back hurts.  Then I go to bed.  Monday night is put wash away night but it usually fails.  Not tonight ~ I am on a mission!

So I hope this night finds you hunkered in cozy, enjoying the kids and maybe reading a book.  I however am on a mission.  Me vs. the mountains of wash to be put away.  I 'kin do it!

                                                     (The Rocky Mountains)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

When I Was Ten

Greetings from Annapolis Sister! Wish you were here...

As much as I wanted to write about sailboats this weekend, I couldn't help but jump on the 10/10/10 bandwagon. How couldn't I? Unlike sailboats, this date is only here for a quick twenty-four hours. Even one of my favorite designers (hint: she and I share initials) is offering a special sale today on her "Ten Must-Haves" in honor of the date. And to top it off, I met a young girl at Henry's baseball game yesterday ~ she is celebrating her 10th birthday on 10/10/10! True. So here is what I am putting out there to honor this day...

Ten Memories of When I Was Ten

1. middle school
2. Dorothy Hamill haircut
3. clogs
4. Space Invaders
5. cheerleader
6. Bee Gees
7. Grease
8. Happy Days & Charlies Angels
9. gallon of gas 63 cents
10. President Jimmy Carter

Even though you were only eight, I bet this could be your list too. I hope the trip down memory lane made you smile.

Wishing you a Happy 10/10/10!


Saturday, October 9, 2010


So Sister, as I reflect on this past week, I raise a glass and give cheers to the following:

1.  To you and I for having an idea and actually doing it ~ here's to us for starting our blog (so far so good).

2.  A literal cheer for all the football games we have today ~ hoping Matthew will score his first touchdown as Kate, Jack and I cheer him on.  And a nod to Lehigh U and the Zephyrs ~ go teams!

3.  And to me for getting thru a crazy week ~ The trifecta of kids issues:  6th grader not trying hard enough in school, 4 year old being sent home from daycare five minutes after she got there because she was "coughing" and the 1st grader losing bus privileges for two days  for hitting another kid!  Did I mention that I found my new manual transmission car rolled to the bottom of the driveway!  Yikes!

I will embrace this beautiful fall day and will focus on a finding a good outfit for tonight's big game.

Cheers My Friend!
                                                                                (Kate Shaking Her Thang!)


Friday, October 8, 2010

To Short or Not to Short

Do you remember what it was like when we went back to school in the 70's? (yes, we are in the four-oh club) We wore wool sweaters with skirts and knee socks with saddle shoes. Fast forward to today, which happens to be October 8th, and I am debating about whether or not to wear SHORTS! (I am shouting) Don't get me wrong, I embraced the denim, cut-off short so much this summer that I bought four pairs. I truly love them all, but when the calendar says "October" I want to welcome back my jeans. Skinny, Minnie, faded, whatever, any pair will do. However, as much I have turned on my shorts, the weather in New Jersey is hovering in the summer temperatures, so guess what I'm wearing again?? (and if I could figure out how to post a photo, I would show you my favorite pair with plaid patches)

By the way, I also based my decision on one of Miss Emma's observations. Yesterday, she insisted on wearing her new Uggs to kindergarten. She begged and pleaded. She pleaded and begged. After school, she said, "Mommy, I want to wear my flip flops." I wonder if her cousin, Miss Kate is wearing her Uggs too. Hmmmm.

I it global warming or just Indian Summer? Either way, I am going to embrace an almost perfect fall day and try to figure out how to stop the squirrels from devouring our pumpkins. I'll work on the photo posts too.

Tricia (in shorts!)