There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!  My kids were so excited to go to school simply because of the activities planned around this.  Kate picked the book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" to take to school and share with her class. She insisted on sleeping with the book so she wouldn't forget it. She ended up snuggling in bed with me and I slept on the book!

At around 7:00 pm, Matthew asked me what he was wearing to school for the party. My response was "huh".  So I humored him and suggested that if he finished his homework we would try to make a Dr. Seuss hat.  Not sure what I was thinking.  This craft would require vision, skill and most certainly supplies.

Finally around 9:00 pm, I gave it a try.  I got lucky because we happened to have some red construction paper and white poster board on hand.  There was a picture of "the hat" on the back of a book.  I was ready.  I started to craft while the entire family watched on.  They all offered to help.  Hmm.  This craft was better handled by just one {me}.  Promise not to laugh, but here is what 45 minutes, a scissor and some tape produced:

Unlike you sister, I have no artistic ability and I am not crafty.  But I was actually pleased with the outcome.  Matthew was thrilled.  So hats off to Dr. Seuss for all those crazy books he wrote.  One of my favorites is "Oh, the Places You'll Go!".


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Seuss

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