I love the story The Velveteen Rabbit, especially the poignant discussion about what it means to be REAL. Here is just a tiny quote from the book.."Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become real."
It got me to thinking about being a REAL mom. What I realized is this --> a real mom finds humor, and maybe even love, in the trenches. So much, that she keeps digging back in day after day. I am reminded I am a REAL mom..
* when I take my two littlest kids to the doctor with me (unexpectedly) and that doctor happens to be my gynecologist. {yes, there was some peeking}
* when I shake out a sweatshirt before tossing it into the washer and I hear gunshots everywhere. #%£%€¥! Once I crawl out from under the laundry tub, I realize a medium kid left a pile (!) of those exploding poppers in his pockets.
* when the youngest tells me "tissues are for boogers"..perfect, now he can stop wiping his nose everywhere else & I can get the furniture professionally cleaned.
* when I considered, after lingering with the kids at a St. Patrick's Day party, whether it would be easiest if I just did everyone's homework when we got home. Yes, all six sheets of it. Truthfully, I made green eggs and ham, the kids did the homework, tubs, and bed.
* when I lost a kid after his first lacrosse practice. Picture about a hundred second graders and they all look the same ~ helmets, silky shorts & shirts, and carrying sticks. I pretty much gave up after the fields cleared out and went home. (no joke) A real dad had him btw.
* when I instruct a kid, who is being teased at school, to tell the offenders to simply "buzz off." Before sending him into school for the day, I review our plan - "what should you say?" Very quietly, I think I hear him say, "F**k off" That will work just fine too.
* when I get an email from a teacher and it says that my A student has missed spelling homework, not once, not even twice, but three times!!! WTF??? {don't you remember the spelling bee?) Spelling is pretty easy for this kid. I responded that it is okay to get a B in school, as long as it is in a hard subject, like quantum physics. Getting a B for being lazy isn't okay.
Over and out from the trenches.
One Real Mom
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