There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our Super Bloopers from NYC

Ok. All getaways, even a me&t one, have some bumps along the way. A little laughter and a so-called "blooper" or two, provide priceless memories in the end. A perfect vacation isn't truly perfect without a bit of imperfection. Drumroll please -D -D -D (sticks & drums btw) are our me&t bloopers straight from NYC!!

1. Right out of the gate, we both need to get our nails in order. One t grabs a gorgeous glam green, which is popular in the fashion mags. (she was quick to get to it first) The slower t was left with a gunmetal gray, which was dramatic too, but not so much in the mags. As nails are drying, the slower t realizes the date ~ March 18th. Both t's are quick to realize the cutting edge green nails simply seem like a leftover from a bad St. Patrick's Day pub crawl.

2. Time to go to the Brooklyn Flea. Hail a cab and give the driver the exact address. Seems to be on a busy intersection on iPhone map. Should be easy..over the bridge and we'll be there in no time. The cab driver has no clue. Get out of cab - quickly hail a new one. Give fresh driver the address and show map. He seems a tiny more confident. We know we are in trouble when we don't go over the Brooklyn Bridge. Needless to say, we are lost and me&t are clueless. We spy two ladies t yells for the cab to stop and pushes the other t out to get directions from the ladies. They point the way. Only 2 blocks!! Both t's abandon the cab and walk to the Flea.

3. If you have never been to Fishs Eddys, picture stacks of hundreds of plates, bowls, platters, and glasses stacked around every inch of a pretty small store. Now picture the most enormous stroller ~ the new, modern kinds that all the hip parents are driving nowadays. The couple, with their stroller, and baby inside came at us. We had no where to go..just stacks & stacks of breakables. One t mumbled "hang on a second", but before she could back up, the dad driving the stroller ran over her foot!! The mom kind of apologized and t couldn't stop staring at her newly scuffed ballet flat in horror. The couple probably thought "just wait until she has kids" ~ if they only knew. {and for the record, neither t has ever run anyone over with a stroller}

4. After a busy day visiting Brooklyn Flea, shopping in Union Square, and enjoying dinner at Da Silvano, what are two t's to do??? Go back to hotel and rent a movie. The t's pulled their covers up to their noses and cozied in for the night. Every so often, one t would pop up & ask the other t "are you awake?" ... "yes".  This banter went on several times throughout the movie.  Any guesses what movie they watched? GOOP's Gwyneth Paltrow in Country Strong of course!!

Over & out from NYC. We truly are back to the grind.

Both t's

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