There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Fresh Start - Part I

The urge to give my home a fresh start has become quite strong. I started looking around my rooms with a critical eye and what I discovered was most alarming. The short list of what needed some work became long pretty quickly. At the same time, my "Fresh Start" post was getting so lengthy, I decided to divide it into a few parts. As a result, you can enjoy each and every one without getting bored from reading so much! (yawn) Happy reading..maybe you will be inspired to initiate a "fresh start" too.

{Part I - Pillows}

"New pillows in the family room asap"..first on list. I didn't realize how tired my current pillows looked until I inspected them closely. {gasp} To be honest, new ones were ordered recently and they arrived faster than anticipated. (yipee!) It did take a couple months of research and pondering to select the "perfect" pillow. I decided on a grey, linen fabric with a celery green monogram. Traditional with a twist of modern from the style of monogram font. Here it is..what do you think??

Y2 Tricia (?)

PS sorry my danger post freaked you out, but that was the point. I heard our mom was freaked out too.

PSS missed GOOP on Glee (again!) I fear she has given up her day job to sing & appear on tv? I wonder if she will duet with Chris Martin

PSS I think it may be time to ask the men to come back as guest bloggers..Mike? Ed??

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