There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, April 21, 2013

this & that

1. Tough night for the Tooth Fairy recently..Emma was still awake when the Tooth Fairy arrived. Then, the Tooth Fairy dropped the tooth on the floor on her way out and couldn't find it in the dark. And, upon further inspection of the Tooth Fairy's note, Emma thought she had the same handwriting as her mother. (perhaps)

2. I spied a sign for a "BIG ASS YARD SALE" yesterday. I would have stopped to take a picture of the sign if the road wasn't so busy. More importantly, I would have stopped at the sale if I didn't have to hurry home. Drat.

3. Reluctantly, I started buying a few items here and there for spring. While I love the season of spring itself..the fashion isn't my favorite. Sigh. So long coats, sweaters, wool skirts and boots ~ until next year. (insert tears)

4. Last night, I finally watched "Silver Linings Playbook" was a great movie with great acting, but I was disappointed. The movie is never as good as the book. I repeat never. However, I thought the movie missed the essence of the book. The book had a rhythmic element ~ running, therapy and the Eagles ~ that the movie mostly ignored. How bad is this? I keep directing the movie the way it should have been done in my mind. :/


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