There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Q&A a Day

As a writer, I have always been intrigued  by journals. And, a journal with prompts can be just the motivation needed to get my pen moving. So it goes..this little brown journal kept popping up here, there, everywhere. Finally, I picked one up for myself, and the other writer in my family, Grace.

"Q&A a Day" touts 365 questions - 5 years - 1,825 answers. According to the back cover, "this journal was created to help you make a time capsule of the next five years of your life in the simplest way possible."  It can be started at any point of the year. Each year, on the same date, you answer the same prompt..for five years in a row! By doing this, you can look back to see how your answers evolved over the years. How interesting.

My prompt for April 22nd is - You wish you could stop _______from happening. Hmmmm.


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