There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Lately, I've been crazy about tea! I am intrigued by the multitudes of flavors and types. My grocery store has so many choices, it makes me dizzy! And, not to mention, the many health benefits of drinking tea. Funny how sipping on a cozy drink can be more appealing than downing some broccoli. (sorry for picking on broccoli - one of my favorite greens)

I saw this little box of "Runa" cinnamon lemongrass guayusa tea. Guayusa is native Amazonian tree leaf that has been brewed for thousands of years. It makes one "Runa" which means fully alive. Now comes the amazing part --> one cup of Runa tea has as much caffeine/energy as one cup of coffee and twice the antioxidants of green tea. Did I mention it is organic and tastes delicious too? Wow.


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