There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

SWOOP There It Is!

The SWOOP bag has revolutionized the way my little guy plays with his Legos (btw he is addicted to Legos) With a scinch of a drawstring, this sturdy, canvas bag holds a ton. Best, when it's time to play, the bag opens up to this enormous circular play space. Love it! Convenient, organized and portable..what's not to love?

Best, the SWOOP bag comes in a smaller version ~ think vacations, excursions and visits to Grandma. And, the useful possibilities are endless. What kid doesn't have stuff that needs to be contained??

Check it out at Swoop Bags -- the large size is 48.00 and the mini is 28.00 -- and, in their own words "cleanup made simple" :)


Sunday, April 28, 2013


This here post happens to tie into your "Pick of the Week" sister.  

Mike, Matthew and I had the pleasure of traveling to Baltimore, MD for some personal "business".  We turned the trip into a fun getaway and we were there for about 36 hours.

I have been to Baltimore a lot.  What a great city.  We stayed at an amazing boutique hotel in Fells Points.  The guest rooms were only on the first floor.  All other floors were condos.  We felt like a resident.  During our trip, we visited Baltimore's National Aquarium and rooted for the Baltimore Orioles (they won). My camera was in hand the entire time.  

Some Sights:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boxing Play

Do you remember when we got a new refrigerator when we were little? The box it came in was enormous and we got to keep it. Immediately, Buddy (our dad) got to work cutting out windows and doors. You and I got to work adding the decorative details with our crayons. It was play at its best. Imagination, creativity, cooperation and fun..all from a box.

Fast forward to New Jersey..the lanterns for my patio project were delivered yesterday yielding a pile of boxes. Before I knew it, the small and medium boxes were connected together, the Sharpies were flying, kids were arguing (negotiating?) and rules for "the box" were created. I loved every moment of it. All four kids (even the 6th grader) playing with boxes. Heaven.


Q&A a Day

As a writer, I have always been intrigued  by journals. And, a journal with prompts can be just the motivation needed to get my pen moving. So it goes..this little brown journal kept popping up here, there, everywhere. Finally, I picked one up for myself, and the other writer in my family, Grace.

"Q&A a Day" touts 365 questions - 5 years - 1,825 answers. According to the back cover, "this journal was created to help you make a time capsule of the next five years of your life in the simplest way possible."  It can be started at any point of the year. Each year, on the same date, you answer the same prompt..for five years in a row! By doing this, you can look back to see how your answers evolved over the years. How interesting.

My prompt for April 22nd is - You wish you could stop _______from happening. Hmmmm.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

this & that

1. Tough night for the Tooth Fairy recently..Emma was still awake when the Tooth Fairy arrived. Then, the Tooth Fairy dropped the tooth on the floor on her way out and couldn't find it in the dark. And, upon further inspection of the Tooth Fairy's note, Emma thought she had the same handwriting as her mother. (perhaps)

2. I spied a sign for a "BIG ASS YARD SALE" yesterday. I would have stopped to take a picture of the sign if the road wasn't so busy. More importantly, I would have stopped at the sale if I didn't have to hurry home. Drat.

3. Reluctantly, I started buying a few items here and there for spring. While I love the season of spring itself..the fashion isn't my favorite. Sigh. So long coats, sweaters, wool skirts and boots ~ until next year. (insert tears)

4. Last night, I finally watched "Silver Linings Playbook" was a great movie with great acting, but I was disappointed. The movie is never as good as the book. I repeat never. However, I thought the movie missed the essence of the book. The book had a rhythmic element ~ running, therapy and the Eagles ~ that the movie mostly ignored. How bad is this? I keep directing the movie the way it should have been done in my mind. :/


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Photo Friday

My Favorite Tree in New Jersey

Congratulations to Jack in Pennsylvania

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Lately, I've been crazy about tea! I am intrigued by the multitudes of flavors and types. My grocery store has so many choices, it makes me dizzy! And, not to mention, the many health benefits of drinking tea. Funny how sipping on a cozy drink can be more appealing than downing some broccoli. (sorry for picking on broccoli - one of my favorite greens)

I saw this little box of "Runa" cinnamon lemongrass guayusa tea. Guayusa is native Amazonian tree leaf that has been brewed for thousands of years. It makes one "Runa" which means fully alive. Now comes the amazing part --> one cup of Runa tea has as much caffeine/energy as one cup of coffee and twice the antioxidants of green tea. Did I mention it is organic and tastes delicious too? Wow.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

we have only this moment

How is it that a race run in honor of twenty-six victims ends in another tragedy? I cannot quite wrap my hands around it. Growing up, I hardly remember tragedies quite like the ones my children are witness to as they are growing up. Every few months, it is something new. I doubt they can wrap their small hands around it.

Mr. Rogers reminds us to "think of the helpers", while others encourage us to live in the moment and appreciate each precious day. Someone else used math to point out that good will always outnumber evil. Sadly, I have no words of wisdom of my own.

Below is a photo is two inspirational signs that hang in my children's bathroom. I have high hopes that if they read them over and over each and every day, the beauty of their words will sink in. I typed out the words underneath the photo in case you can't read them. Enjoy.


begin doing what you want to do now.
we are not living in eternity. we have
only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand -
and melting like a snowflake.

always remember to slow down in life
live, breathe, and learn;
take a look around you whenever
you have time and never forget
everything and every person that
has the least place within your heart.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Another birthday in our house ...


Here's to You
at Forty-Two!

Surprise, someone else who LOVES to ski!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Patio Project

I am determined to get my patio in order. Now that our renovation project is done, the new patio needs some attention. My goal is to create an outdoor space that beckons one to sit, relax and enjoy a beautiful day. Seems simple. Right?

By chance, we lost most of our outdoor furniture during Hurricane Sandy. The dining table and chairs survived and, another chance, I found a company that makes matching sofas, chairs and occasional tables. The furniture seems to be falling into place.

Now for the fun part --> I have been searching online and through magazines for the details. These are the critical parts that will (hopefully) transform my patio into an "outdoor living space." I am thinking  modern planters to add some color with annuals. I picture tiny cafe lights strung overhead to add magic to summer nights. Maybe oversized lanterns and candles sprinkled around. Yikes!

Wish me luck. I know you have a great outdoor space which inspires me. Any and all suggestions are welcome! Below is my "before" photo..look forward to the "reveal" in the upcoming weeks.


Friday, April 12, 2013



A kid who radiates happiness. 
Have a great day ... you are loved!

Jack doing what he loves best.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The good weather is so inspiring.  I had a window of opportunity and I felt obligated.  I went to my closet and grabbed my sneakers.  For a moment, I feared dry rot.  I pulled out my fat shorts.  For once, mind and body were on the same page.  

I started off on the trail.  My goal was one.  One mile.  I was about 1/4 mile into it.  My lungs, my legs.  Instead of an ITB band strain I thought it would be an ITB band snap.  Yikes!

I went slow.  Very slow.  I was listening to my new "Hip Hop" playlist.  Thrift Shop was pumping.  I kept going and going and going. When I was done, two. Two miles.  I'm back!


Kids Run Series - 2012

Monday, April 8, 2013

Change = :)

Sometimes, just a tiny change causes enormous happiness. Nothing grand or philosophical here..just nail polish color. With spring finally arriving today, it was time to get my toes in order ~ ready for their debut. I tend to stick to neutral for warm weather. Usually something beige/greige. Yup - each and every time.

Today, I was just remarking to a friend about all of the "fun" polish colors out there as I reached for my usual greige. In a split second, I put it back and grabbed an odd copper-red color. Why not? Well, I must admit..every time I see my toes, they make me happy decked out in copper-red. I realize it isn't the color that makes me happy as much as the change does.


"When in doubt, choose change." ~ Lily Leung

Friday, April 5, 2013

Photo Friday 100

Vintage me&t Photo
to Celebrate 100 Photo Fridays!

(PS we are not now 100 years old ;)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Go Green

Growing up, our home, inside and out, was filled with green..plants, flowers, shrubs and trees. As you know, our mom has a green thumb. The greenest one I know. Once, on summer break from college, I brought home a stick plant with one leaf remaining. Needless to say, she brought it back to life ~ a true miracle. Get this --> her poinsettias last all year long. Mine are lucky to make it to Christmas.

Sadly, I did not inherit her green thumb. Pretty much anything I try to grow ends up dying or pretty close it. So what I have decided is this..lately, I have been trying to have a fresh bunch of flowers on my table. Front and center. Tulips are a current favorite as a sign of spring. Better yet, I found some branches recently - pussywillow and forsythia. I popped them into tall vases for dramatic displays. It may be "cheating" a little, but I like having green around.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break

Without any travel plans this spring break, we were left to our own devices. A few day trips, a much-needed shopping trip for new sneakers, a Taylor Swift concert and so on. What I've come to realize is this --> sometimes a spring "break" from the morning routine (the alarm-breakfast-pack lunches-get dressed-out the door) is just what everyone needs, especially the moms. Sigh. The good news it that summer's around the corner ~ we're in the home stretch!
