There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Summer Time is Treasure Time

Summer is the perfect time to find some good "picks"  as we like to say! Vacation spots are often treasure troves of unusual finds at great prices. For me, this summer was no different.

A favorite "antique mall" at the beach never disappoints. This year I scored a box filled with small wooden alphabet letters, each in their own compartment. Both t's are collectors of letters and I thought this was a score! Not sure where it will go, but if you stop by, I'm sure you will spy it somewhere.

Get this -- while Buddy took seven kids to a train exhibit (!) -- Tess and I scoured through the adjacent antique shops. The pickings were slim..lots of toy figurines, dusty bits of china and odd knock knacks. Finding the hidden gem was tough, but there it was. A vintage book on pop art didn't seem appealing at first until I removed the worn out cover. Underneath was a beautiful, lemonade yellow, fabric cover. And, for $7, it was a steal. Just looking at it makes me smile. :)


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