There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Going, Going, Gone..

Remember how I squeezed as many memories as possible into the last weeks of summer? Well..this is my littlest guy's last year of preschool. School for half of the day and the rest of the day, he's mine. Once he starts school full time the following year, he will be gone - pretty much forever. Me being me, I am going to squeeze as many memories as possible into these last nine months. Sure we will still run to Target, the dry cleaners and the vacuum repair shop, but in between, a bit of magic.

For starters, we enjoy a bike ride/Tripp walk every morning after we drop the big kids off at school. We map out our route, get some exercise and discuss the day. Later, before preschool, we walk through the nearby park and watch the ducks, geese fish go by. I know these will be my memories and not his, but if I take some photos, maybe one day he will remember too.


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