There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I know you don't "do" Facebook sister.  I do but I'm one of those people who posts nothing but checks daily to see what other people have to say.  Of all my friends (as though I have a lot), it's the same handful of people who post.  In the beginning, I had to do "a little less" of some people.  Clearly there are full time Facebook junkies out there.  Who has that kind of time?  Here is a post I read today that made me laugh:

Just found tweets littered with lots of FU's from my new nanny complaining about her job.  Can't wait to welcome her home today with a "You're Fired Bonehead!"


I know Twitter is where it's at --- what do you think sister.  Time to tweat?


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