There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Friday, September 28, 2012

Photo Friday No. 83

Taking a Walk in
New Jersey

Elementary School Open House in

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I know you don't "do" Facebook sister.  I do but I'm one of those people who posts nothing but checks daily to see what other people have to say.  Of all my friends (as though I have a lot), it's the same handful of people who post.  In the beginning, I had to do "a little less" of some people.  Clearly there are full time Facebook junkies out there.  Who has that kind of time?  Here is a post I read today that made me laugh:

Just found tweets littered with lots of FU's from my new nanny complaining about her job.  Can't wait to welcome her home today with a "You're Fired Bonehead!"


I know Twitter is where it's at --- what do you think sister.  Time to tweat?


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Bun is Back!!!!

Yes, sister it is true! The bun is back. While paging through the September issue of Bazaar, I spied it.."The Return of the Bun" by Elisa Lipsky- Karasz. Almost fell off my beach chair. You know all too well how this t rocked a bun for so many years, we lost count. One day, you gave me the tough news --> my beloved bun had to go. I needed something chic and short. And, ta da! here I am.

I am ecstatic about the bun's return. I miss my bun. While I work on growing out my hair, here are a few pointers from the article..

* a "high" bun seems to be the way to go - it accentuates the face
* the bun shouldn't be so severe as to look like a librarian
* imperfections are stylish
* a bun adds confidence to most outfits

I am ready for the return of the bun. Grow hair, grow!!!!


Monday, September 24, 2012


About 24 days into the school year.  The novelty has worn off.  Homework, quizzes and tests under the belt.  Round 2 underway.   I am officially in 8th, 3rd and 1st grade all over again.  Is it a nightmare?  Wake up!  I (we) can do this.

On the positive, did you watch The Emmy Awards last night?  I always love a red carpet.  It was apparently sweltering hot in sunny California.  How about all the bright colors ... lots of yellow, tangerine.  Fashion Police on E! tonight will surely be entertaining.

Also, did you catch the preview of Taylor Swift's next new song on GMA (I did not but I just googled it).  It is called Begin Again and goes on sale tonight at midnight on iTunes.  

Last but not least, Kate whacked me in the face last night by accident ... I think I have the "dead tooth"!  I have pain shooting up my nose.


I miss summer!
Do you spy the eyeball eraser?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Behind Closed Doors

Did you spy the article by Sarah Harris ~ fashion features editor at British Vogue ~in the recent NYT's Style Magazine? It was about her closet. Deep breath. On the bright side, her closet isn't that large (judging from the photograph) and she shares it with her husband. We seem to have a couple things in common for starters.

A few interesting points.. She has "commandments" about how the closet runs so to speak. She likes to hang new purchases outside of the closet to enjoy them for awhile. She color-codes and arranges clothing according to length. After wearing something, she allows it to air out before folding/hanging.

Well, Ms. Harris certainly inspired this t. A rainy day was just the motivation for a much-needed closet overhaul. Summer items were sorted and packed away. Plenty of has-beens went into the Goodwill bag. Tops, pants, skirts and sweaters were organized by color, length and style. And, ta da!! A closet to be proud of. Thank you Sarah!


PS if you missed reading the article, I saved my copy and would be happy to share. :)

PSS Ed's side of the closet isn't looking too bad either..wonder if he read the same article.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Photo Saturday!

Books in
New Jersey

Trying out Photo Comic App in

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday

Thank goodness it's Friday!!
The t's have been busy ~ 
tune in tomorrow for "Photo Saturday"! 
And, happy last day of summer.
Bring on fall..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Here is a super sized PICK OF THE WEEK:

Kids Zodiac Pillow
Serena and Lily
On Sale: $29.99

Emma and Kate
Cut from the same cloth!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Summer Time is Treasure Time

Summer is the perfect time to find some good "picks"  as we like to say! Vacation spots are often treasure troves of unusual finds at great prices. For me, this summer was no different.

A favorite "antique mall" at the beach never disappoints. This year I scored a box filled with small wooden alphabet letters, each in their own compartment. Both t's are collectors of letters and I thought this was a score! Not sure where it will go, but if you stop by, I'm sure you will spy it somewhere.

Get this -- while Buddy took seven kids to a train exhibit (!) -- Tess and I scoured through the adjacent antique shops. The pickings were slim..lots of toy figurines, dusty bits of china and odd knock knacks. Finding the hidden gem was tough, but there it was. A vintage book on pop art didn't seem appealing at first until I removed the worn out cover. Underneath was a beautiful, lemonade yellow, fabric cover. And, for $7, it was a steal. Just looking at it makes me smile. :)


Monday, September 17, 2012


Always a treat to be around anything relating to Princeton.  The beautiful weather this past Saturday lured us to the Lehigh v. Princeton football game. Lehigh won!  Princeton has a crazy marching band.  In lieu of some drums, they used a stop sign and a plastic Santa.  The kids thought it was weird. I thought it was funny.  

I polled each kid ... "Do you want to go to Princeton?"

Jack: No
Matthew: No
Kate: [pondered my question]  
Me: Princeton is in New Jersey
Kate: Emma Brown lives in New Jersey.  So I guess I'll go.  But only if Emma goes.
Me: Ok, sounds like a plan.

Emma, you in?


The Princeton University
Tiger Band

"scramble band" common among Ivy League schools


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Going, Going, Gone..

Remember how I squeezed as many memories as possible into the last weeks of summer? Well..this is my littlest guy's last year of preschool. School for half of the day and the rest of the day, he's mine. Once he starts school full time the following year, he will be gone - pretty much forever. Me being me, I am going to squeeze as many memories as possible into these last nine months. Sure we will still run to Target, the dry cleaners and the vacuum repair shop, but in between, a bit of magic.

For starters, we enjoy a bike ride/Tripp walk every morning after we drop the big kids off at school. We map out our route, get some exercise and discuss the day. Later, before preschool, we walk through the nearby park and watch the ducks, geese fish go by. I know these will be my memories and not his, but if I take some photos, maybe one day he will remember too.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Photo Friday No. 82

Hoping for Biscuits in
New Jersey

Bedroom Decor in

Monday, September 10, 2012


Welcome back Friday Night Lights!  We made it to our first high school football game this past weekend.  All kids sported their maroon and gold t-shirts and took their places.  Kate infront of the cheerleaders, Matthew running around with friends and Jack chasing the girls (not really).  

We had a real treat to start off the football season … we got to see the world-renowned Liberty High School Grenadier Band perform.  They are 200+ members strong whose uniforms are modeled after a regiment of the British Army.  They have played in the Rose Parade, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and several other prestigious events.  People attend Liberty games just to see this band play --- true story.  Think standing O every time.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Field Trip

Today, I took a field trip into the city to see the "Festival des Metiers" by Hermes. Exciting! The artisans of Hermes were busy working at their crafts as visitors gathered around to watch, admire, ask questions and touch the materials. Even their aprons were chic ~ and, of course, they spoke French! (Not to worry - translators were nearby to help.) I saw artisans creating ties, shirts, watches, jewelry, saddles, scarves and the infamous Kelly bag. (sigh) Needless to say, I know why Hermes is so expensive. I didn't walk away with an Hermes souvenir, but I did receive a lovely folio of postcards and I will be dreaming of a Kelly bag tonight.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Photo Friday No. 81

Back to School Cupcakes in
New Jersey

First Day of School in

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tucked inside my new catalog from Antrhopologie was a little card that said,

"it's time to FLIP over FALL"

Hmmm. I don't think I'm flipping as much as belly-flopping or even crashing over fall. There is nothing graceful about it. I am resigned to take each day at a time. Live in the present. Enjoy the moment. No looking backwards or peeking forwards. This is the best I can do for now.

Today, we had middle school orientation and elementary "meet the teacher" ~ a whopping one hour of preschool later in the week. We baked cupcakes to celebrate the start of school and succeeded in getting every blessed school supply. (green pens are rare btw) To bed early and off we go..

Who knows? I may be flipping by the end of the week.


Monday, September 3, 2012


Ready or not here it comes ... school!  I had better embrace it or it might just overtake me.  It was a long day getting pencil cases just right, backpacks ready, new school clothing organized and all those last minute details.  Including buying a new lunch bag because someone (I won't say who) decided to take black permanent marker and write Matthew's name and phone number across his lunch bag that I just purchased last spring.  Hmm.


"Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants."

a pencil case wouldn't be complete 
without a little bling

Sunday, September 2, 2012

So Long Summer

Labor Day marks the official end of summer. I have the blues in a big way. I am not ready for it to end. Happens every time. "Good-bye" long, lazy days filled with blue skies and sunshine - "hello" back-to-the-grind. I will hold summer memories in my heart and cherish a sprinkling of souvenirs until it starts over again next year.
