There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

So Long, Farewell

This much I know about myself..I am good at roots but not so good at wings. Tomorrow, Grace is graduating 5th grade - leaving elementary school - heading to middle school. All in a matter of a few hours. She is elated and I am distraught. As a parent, watching your child grow up, even a tiny bit, is one of the hardest things to do. Tomorrow, during the traditional "clap out", there will be tears. Maybe lots of them. I will wear large sunglasses. I will hug Grace and tell her how proud I am of her and I will send her on her way. I will watch her grow up even if it breaks my heart. It is time for her to fly.


PS photo is Grace on her first day of first grade at the "big school" aka elementary school

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