There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, June 18, 2012


Back from a girl's weekend at the beach!  It is always great to get away and refresh the batteries. 

Here are some highlights:

* The 2-1/2 hour drive turned into a 3-1/2 hour drive --- got on the road, Jen and I looked at each other and realized we had no directions and no GPS.  Classic.

* The Circle of Ladies --- everyone was well behaved (wink, wink).  One lady was a little tipsy and as she left the beach, one leg crossed over the other, she fell onto the sand and flopped over onto her back.  Reminded us of a turtle stuck on its shell with legs in the air.  No help was offered as we were laughing too hard.  Said lady was fine and laughing as well.

* Decided no lotion was needed in order to get a little bit of sun.  That equals sunburn --- duh!

* Flea market was a bust but The Pearl Street Market was amazing as always!

* Custom made cups were a huge hit.  Already have ideas for next year's version.

* The "playlist" included a total of 4 songs --- good thing the speaker batteries ran out sooner rather than later.

Wish you were there sister, hopefully next year.  


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