There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dad's Day

A dad isn't a mom for obvious reasons. Typically, dads disappear to work during most of the week and, magically, appear on the weekends. As a result, dads often aren't bogged down by the day-to-day routine..make breakfast-pack lunches-kids to school-homework-practices-bedtime-repeat. When dads appear, they are found cheering on sidelines, clapping at concerts, cannon-balling into the pool, and so on. Usually, they are surrounded by their smiling children, eager to immerse themselves in all things dad. It isn't surprising that a baby's first word is "da da" ~ moms are always talking about dad in his absence. As with most things in life, dads are about quality and never quantity. We are lucky to have dads. Our lives wouldn't be the same without them.


PS Happy Father's Day to Buddy, Ed and Mike..some of the best dads I know.

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