There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, May 7, 2012

NYC Bloopers - Part II

1. One t (who is mad about stripes) wore her new, JCrew, striped shirt. So effortlessly chic. Not! As the t's enjoyed a drink at the hotel bar, they noticed a sea of blue & white striped shirts. Other chic travelers? Nope. Striped shirts were the uniform of the hotel's waitstaff. T took off her shirt & went with the white blouse that was underneath. No joke.

2. Imagine a vintage, straw tote bag at the Brooklyn Flea. Hmmm. No price tag. One t inquires about the price and the seller replies, "It is not for sale." Strange. (What is it doing there if it isn't for sale?) Hours later, the t's spy the straw bag again as they are leaving - it now has a price tag!!! Perhaps the seller didn't think the t's would give the bag a good home.

3. And, last, but not least - one t lost a contact lens and had to wear her old glasses - it was so windy, the t's almost blew off the High Line - two people inquired if the t's were utilizing the hotel's fitness center - Jack asked if they rode in the Cash Cab - the t's bought a touristy map of NYC - one t paid NINE dollars for a chocolate bar - the t's parked illegally in SoHo - the end.

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