There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Happy to be a family of musicians.  Our week went something like this.

Tuesday Night:
6th, 7th and 8th Grade Band and Chorus Program 
(Jack plays the "bone")

I missed the concert :(
Kate had a softball game and Mike had to work a soccer game :(
Blooper perhaps.
Grandparents reported it was the best one yet.

Wednesday Morning:
Kindergarten EI EI OOPS! Play

Super Cute!  Bravo!
Kate was a "chick" and had a speaking part and knew
all the words to all the songs.
Her boyfriend stood in front of her and she kept eyeballing him.

Wednesday Night:
2nd and 3rd Grade Steckelwood Pops Concert

Music teacher is cooky and tells strange jokes.
Matthew was part of a group solo (if that makes sense).
He sang loud and proud (or spoke loud and proud).
Watch out Justin Bieber :)

Our chick in yellow and her boyfriend in orange

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