There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NYC Bloopers - Part I

1. Upon unpacking, the two t's took inventory of what they brought. One t had a boatload of shoes and the other t had a pile of coats. Wondering who was who?? Luckily, the two t's take the same size, so they shared of course!

2. No surprise here..the t's popped into Tory Burch. Whoa -- there was a "friends and family" sale going on and the store was packed with shoppers. Our adorable salesgirl offered us a beverage. One t wanted a Diet Coke - nope, only champagne or water. Cheers!

3. At dinner Friday evening, the restaurant's huge windows overlooked a Greenwich Village neighborhood. As night fell, the t's spied a bright, neon sign across the way. "Psychic Palm Reading" it read. You guessed it -- both t's had the "two palm and face reading" for $50. The psychic nailed both t's to a t. (if she had switched their readings, she would have been incorrect ~ spooky bones)

4. A dinner reservation Saturday night took the t's across town to the East Village, which was a healthy walk from their hotel. It was a pretty night, so the t's set out intending to walk a bit and then hail a cab. (yes both in heels) Well- walking and talking - the t's got embedded in the city. Noticing the time, a cab was hailed. The cab took them THREE blocks and they were at the restaurant. Cab fare = $3.00 = no joke.

Self portrait on the windy High Line

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