There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, April 18, 2011


Coming off of a weekend that went something like this:

Friday night
birthday dinner with hubby then met friends for drinks

Saturday morning 
knock on door at 8:35 am from BFF Jen
{we were supposed to run before gymnastics class ~ 
this was rescheduled for Sunday but apparently only if it was raining}
quick put on running clothing & did 2-1/2 miles after consuming
5 beverages the night before ~ ouch!

took girls to gymnastics class
{hung out in the "Cartwheel Cafe" having coffee & snacks}

Saturday afternoon
very long nap
{husband & daughter also napped, boys were at friend's houses playing}

Saturday night
made dinner, made a birthday cake, watched a movie

surprised Mike with birthday cake with lit candles after he got home from
picking up Jack & friends at the movies

took daughter to birthday party

cleaned garage & patio door windows
{highly recommend Mr. Clean and use of a squeegy)

did lots of wash

cooked dinner

folded wash

Back to the grind.  Looking forward to Easter break.  How about you sister?

{don't laugh at my cake ~ it actually tasted pretty good!}

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