There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Safe and Sound

Early Friday morning, feeling uninspired. Grace wants to take a run along the "seawall" of the Naval Academy campus. About three miles along the water - let's do it. Off we go, the day is unfolding with a hint of rain on the way. Make the loop, along the practice fields, past the sailboats, small detour due to construction, race up the steps. Cool down by walking some.

I see the gate just ahead that we will exit out of. The Naval officers are checking i.d. as a group of tourists enter.I see a large man go through the gate wearing a big coat, open in front, with something strapped around the midsection of his body. {It looks like explosives one would see in a movie.} With that, the officers yell firmly, "Stop sir!" The man continues walking toward us.

At this point, Grace and I are in front of building that houses a museum. There are just shrubs and a bench between us and the man. I push Grace down behind the shrub and lay on top of her. After a few moments, I peek over the shrub. An officer has the man pinned to the ground and about three other officers have their guns drawn on him. I start to feel panic and want to leave our hiding spot. We stand, a car with sirens approaches, someone tells everyone to back away. The officers shout, point, and head toward another person beyond us. I find an open door and take Grace into the museum. It is so quiet. We sit for a few minutes. I begin to cry. The enormity of what just happened settles in.

We leave the safety of the museum and return outside. Someone suggests we take a wide loop back around to the main entrance. We do as he suggests. I talk to Grace. I do my best to let her know she is safe. Grace does her best to let me know I am safe.


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