There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Six Set Sail

Breaking news: We are getting ready to embark on a new adventure..a sailing one that is! Since Ed is the one and only sailor in our family, sailing is brand new to the kiddies and me. We are "newbies", so to speak. I think sailing school is in our future and maybe a book or two about sailing in the meantime. There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the new boat ~ opening a new door, so speak, warrants anticipation, excitement, and joy.

In my mind, I picture the Kennedys sailing off the coasts of Martha's Vineyard. Jackie, ever stylish, in oversized shades, a striped shirt, and white jeans. The wind breathes life in the sails, as this infamous family seems happy, fortunate, and alive in the moment. The photos and movies of them sailing are almost as iconic as the people themselves.

Back to reality..while I can manage the sunglasses, striped shirts, and white jeans ~ all of which I already own (whew!), my reality will seem more like camping on water. A family of six, in tight quarters and much to be learned. I will keep you posted. We haven't left the dock yet. And, it took William two days to set foot on the boat..we are all getting our "sea legs" so to speak. I hope you will sail away with me one day ~



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