There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Friday, April 29, 2011

Photo Friday No. 22

Bus trip to the Royal Wedding from
New Jersey

a princess in

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Safe and Sound

Early Friday morning, feeling uninspired. Grace wants to take a run along the "seawall" of the Naval Academy campus. About three miles along the water - let's do it. Off we go, the day is unfolding with a hint of rain on the way. Make the loop, along the practice fields, past the sailboats, small detour due to construction, race up the steps. Cool down by walking some.

I see the gate just ahead that we will exit out of. The Naval officers are checking i.d. as a group of tourists enter.I see a large man go through the gate wearing a big coat, open in front, with something strapped around the midsection of his body. {It looks like explosives one would see in a movie.} With that, the officers yell firmly, "Stop sir!" The man continues walking toward us.

At this point, Grace and I are in front of building that houses a museum. There are just shrubs and a bench between us and the man. I push Grace down behind the shrub and lay on top of her. After a few moments, I peek over the shrub. An officer has the man pinned to the ground and about three other officers have their guns drawn on him. I start to feel panic and want to leave our hiding spot. We stand, a car with sirens approaches, someone tells everyone to back away. The officers shout, point, and head toward another person beyond us. I find an open door and take Grace into the museum. It is so quiet. We sit for a few minutes. I begin to cry. The enormity of what just happened settles in.

We leave the safety of the museum and return outside. Someone suggests we take a wide loop back around to the main entrance. We do as he suggests. I talk to Grace. I do my best to let her know she is safe. Grace does her best to let me know I am safe.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Things that Made Me Go Hmmmm at Easter

While I generally don't expect a miracle on Easter or most days, I do appreciate a bit of serendipity when it happens. Things that make me pause, just for a moment, and say, hmmmmm. Usually, the moment is so small it can continue by unnoticed, unless, of course one is open to it. Sometimes it can become not a miracle, but perhaps miraculous, when the serendipity occurs in pairs or even more often.

This past weekend, I found myself stumbling upon bits of serendipity related to Easter. When I think of it all, I find myself wondering what it all means, if anything.

#1 Since me&t spent Easter weekend together, we brought all seven of our little ones' Easter baskets to Annapolis. As we set out the baskets Saturday night, for filling by the Bunny, we realized all of our children had the SAME baskets!!!! Target brand, wooden, cloth liner with little Easter designs..carrots, bunnies, eggs, etc. Hmmmm.

#2 On a beautiful Easter afternoon, a gaggle of me&t children decided to race across the green lawns at St. John's College. As we staked out our spot in between picnics in progress, I spied it. A brand new bunny..we happened upon the Easter bunny. Hmmmm.

#3 Emma, being a huge fan of the Madeline stories, received "Madeline at the White House" in her Easter basket. Seemed to be a good fit since the White House is pretty close to Annapolis. As Emma snuggled in her bed Easter night, we read her new book. Although the story takes place in the White House, as the title indicates, the plot is very much about Easter {of course!} Hmmmm.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


We are just rolling in from a weekend away, together.

Thanks to t&e for hosting us ~ we had a fantastic time!

To our readers, stayed tuned ... more details to follow
{never a dull moment, right t?) & lots of photos.

Happy Easter from our families to yours!

Easter baskets galore!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


As I was walking on the trail to Matthew's baseball practice, I bumped into our friend Tom.  We always joke about how Tom and his family are our "winter" skiing friends and then joke about how we can be summer friends as well.  We chatted about what is going on now that the snow has melted for the season.  We both commented on the few projects we've each accomplished over the last couple of weeks. 

When you break it down, fall is super busy ... start of school and football season.  That slides right into the holidays.  Which then blends right into ski season.  Ski season pretty much lasts until the end of March.  If I counted correctly, that equals 7 months.  Jumping ahead, in June school is winding down.  Who has time for anything during the July and August summer months?  That leaves just April and May to get anything done!

So sister, you asked what is happening at my house.  Here is what is going on and I only have two months to complete it all!  Mudroom project is almost done {painted, just need to buy a light fixture}.  Need to buy and plant some trees as part of a landscaping plan {slated for next weekend}.  Would like to freshen up throw pillows on the first floor {just haven't found the right ones yet}.  Would really love to paint more of the house but that is a huge undertaking.  Makes more sense to hire someone?  Hmm.  And last but not least, I need to clean out and organize some piles.  My biggest nemesis. 

Speaking of projects, our fave outdoor flea market is next weekend!!!  Can you go???  You never know what redecorating items you might find.


vintage lockers and baskets in mudroom

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fresh Start - Part IV

I wish I had the type of house where I could rearrange furniture. Truth be told, in my Cape Cod, the doors, windows, and nooks & crannies galore make it impossible to rearrange anything. Therefore, I like to move around pretty much everything else! Gradually, most of the photographs and artwork are coming down (see Part III) ..after painting is complete everything will be hung in a fresh new space. In addition, I constantly switch around any decorative objects. As I store some, others come out of storage feeling fresh once again. The tricky part here is --> edit, edit, edit. Finally, I may make a few significant purchases to fill in here and there. For example, the girls' room needs a chair for their petite desk - maybe a lucite (I am crazy about lucite!) or a fun, unexpected, pop of color.

What is happening in your house sister??

This little guy can be moved!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Coming off of a weekend that went something like this:

Friday night
birthday dinner with hubby then met friends for drinks

Saturday morning 
knock on door at 8:35 am from BFF Jen
{we were supposed to run before gymnastics class ~ 
this was rescheduled for Sunday but apparently only if it was raining}
quick put on running clothing & did 2-1/2 miles after consuming
5 beverages the night before ~ ouch!

took girls to gymnastics class
{hung out in the "Cartwheel Cafe" having coffee & snacks}

Saturday afternoon
very long nap
{husband & daughter also napped, boys were at friend's houses playing}

Saturday night
made dinner, made a birthday cake, watched a movie

surprised Mike with birthday cake with lit candles after he got home from
picking up Jack & friends at the movies

took daughter to birthday party

cleaned garage & patio door windows
{highly recommend Mr. Clean and use of a squeegy)

did lots of wash

cooked dinner

folded wash

Back to the grind.  Looking forward to Easter break.  How about you sister?

{don't laugh at my cake ~ it actually tasted pretty good!}

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lighters & Ashtrays, Oh My!

It seems as though I have come down with a dreadful spring cold. :( Since two of my children had it, I guess I shouldn't feign surprise. As you well know, resting and relaxing aren't in my vocabulary. I wish I could cozy up and read a book..obviously, I am working on my post instead. And, to top it off, no matter how sick I am, I feel guilty for not getting in a run, even a small one.

So, here is my short tidbit of information for you today. First, are you sitting down? I realized I have started collecting vintage items related to smoking. I will say it again for you: I realized I have started collecting vintage items related to smoking. I started with a tiny, round, brass ashtray with brilliant turquoise stones around it. Next, a heavy glass lighter in the shape of a cube..kind of art deco. Then, another lighter made out of tortoiseshell glass. Three equals a collection in my book.

Recently, I read about someone else's collection of lighters, ashtrays, etc. and it got me to thinking. At one point, much style was devoted to these items. Think Mad Men. As smoking itself became taboo, the chic lighters and
ashtrays gave way to paper matches and public containers outside of buildings. Remember at Brooklyn Flea, how a vendor told us about the beautiful matchboxes in Italy that are like little works of art? 
I would have liked to have some of those too for lighting my candles. Field trip to Italy perhaps?


Friday, April 15, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why I Do What I Do Part 2

I again feel guilty here in my 2nd blog not writing about family, friends, pets, etc…  However, I feel it is my job as a guest blogger to continue w/ my 3 part theme that I began in my first blog some time ago.  The title continues to be Why I Do What I Do.
I do not feel quite as guilty and selfish this time because I am writing about something that is part of me&t t&me lives.  If you recall in my last blog I wrote about my favorite thing to do ---- Skiing.
In Part 2 of Why I Do What I Do, I will talk about something that is neither a hobby nor a passion.  It is actually a lifestyle for addiction you may say.  Some people need a coffee in the morning or a glass of wine or a beer after work.  Some people need a nap while others need nictoine.  Well I am addicted to RUNNING.
I have been running for years and years now and maybe one day I will try to figure out how far I have gone.  (I started to log miles about a half dozen or so years ago and I know last year I topped 1,400 miles).  But, it is not about the miles, it’s not about time on a watch (I only time myself in races).  It is truly about the feeling I get from being outside in nature and pushing my body.  It improves my mind, body, and soul all at the same time.  I do some of my most deep thinking about my life, family, work and play while I’m on a jog.  I feel good physically because of running.  And I say my prayers while I run. 
There is no better feeling than starting your day off with a morning run.  I typically set my alarm for 4:40 on a weekday during the school year and I'm outside hitting the pavement by 5:15 or so.  NO ONE can ruin my day with the mindset that I am done with my workout before 6 AM.  Whether it is raining, snowing, hot or ice cold, I try to never miss a workout.  I do like to mix it up with morning hoops with the guys on Fridays and hopefully some biking in the near future.  I also do not feel like I am taking time away from my family by getting up early but a good rest day once a week is very important too.
There is nothing more surreal than a cool crisp morning in the winter when the moon is reflecting off the snow to make it look as if it is midday from the brightness as the packed snow crunches beneath my Saucony’s…or a run in late Spring or Summer when the Sun is coming up behind me as I make my way down to the Hokey park and stare at the Weeping Willow trees lining the Coplay Creek by the pool...or a warm summer run followed by a dip in the creek or ocean down at LBI...or the smell of a warm rain drenching your whole body and a slight taste of the salt from sweat mixed in knowing the calories are burning off.  I love those “Forrest Gump” moments when you can just take a deep breath and enjoy the wonders of the world we live in!
I also enjoy running on trails…through the woods and just going places that I have never been.  This ties into when I am out of town on vacation or for other reasons.  I have enjoyed awesome runs in many places in our country.  I have run down Waikiki beach in Honolulu, next to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, along the Hudson River in NYC, around Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, along the cow pastures outside of State College PA, next to the cornfields outside of Peoria, Ill, through the streets of Des Moines, Iowa, around Fenway Park in Boston, out to the deserts outside of Las Vegas, along a road in the Green Mountains of Vt., and through the Naval Academy at Annapolis.
Yes running is a lifestyle and I hope to continue it for a very long time.  Hey look at the good news---if I enter any races after Friday I will be in a new age bracket!!!!!  Yippy!!!
So I challenge t&t to join me one day for a run next to the S.S. Kennedy and S.S. Brown.
LIFE is Good!
Mikey ME

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'Tis the Season

Spring, the season of renewal, brings lots of familiar sights and sounds. Green grass, blooming trees and flowers, and of course, another season of kids sports. This year I thought we got lucky, as my eight year old Hank announced he was giving up baseball to focus on lacrosse. Meant less car pooling and a less hectic schedule for T, since she does most of the running around. It also meant less having to listen the handful of dads who live vicariously through their sons, attempting to cultivate a professional caliber athlete at such a young age and expressing genuine disappointment upon failure to deliver.

I’ve never quite understood those dads. Don’t get me wrong, I love the competition that athletics bring and enjoy playing sports as much as the next guy. As a father though, I am more concerned about teaching my sons to be men of substance and impact more than anything else. So for those of you who are of the same opinion (and to you wives looking for a Father’s Day gift) I recommend reading “Season of Life” by Jeffrey Marx (shout out to Sean M). In addition to being an easy read, it puts things in perspective for fathers of sons in a way that few books do.

Fast forward, Hank wasn’t ready to give up baseball. No worries though. He’s got great coaches who get the joke and for that I’m grateful.


Monday, April 11, 2011


I am always in awe of people with talent.  Example: great singers, athletes, artists, people with photographic memories.  I am still searching for my clearly "hidden" talent(s) as they have not surfaced.

This weekend we went to the annual production of the high school musical.  Li'l Abner.  This was the first time I saw this show and I have to say it is not my favorite but the kids did a great job.  Lots of talent.  There is a part where the little scrawny boys take some magic juice, walk thru a machine and come out strapping young men.  Turns out the strapping young men in the show were football players!  I wonder if that took some convincing.  They had to keep straight faces the entire time but were allowed to flex those muscles!

So I'm looking at the kids and I notice my friend Liz's son.  Senior, star quarterback of the football team, 6'3".  I LOVE that fact that he participated in the school play, BRAVO to him!  In addition to the obvious talent here, I love to watch a great family that is a step ahead of me {I remember when this young man was 3 years old & his brother was 6 years old and it seems like yesterday}.

I have tried to emulate this family for quite some time now and I don't think I'm doing such a great job.  Yes, the bar is high ... said young man has received a full scholarship to play college football at an amazing school.  Pretty big accomplishment.  And when it was announced, football coaches and water boys {i.e. my husband and Jack} received great gifts of appreciation for their involvement.  But it really isn't just the sports that stands out, I always get the "hello Mrs. Y" when the boys see me.  Talent, manners & did I mention they are smart?  Doesn't get much better than that.  Bravo to the parents on doing such a fine job.


P.S. Happy Birthday to my Jack ~ 12 on the 12th!  You are a quirky little dude.  We love you!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Six Set Sail

Breaking news: We are getting ready to embark on a new adventure..a sailing one that is! Since Ed is the one and only sailor in our family, sailing is brand new to the kiddies and me. We are "newbies", so to speak. I think sailing school is in our future and maybe a book or two about sailing in the meantime. There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the new boat ~ opening a new door, so speak, warrants anticipation, excitement, and joy.

In my mind, I picture the Kennedys sailing off the coasts of Martha's Vineyard. Jackie, ever stylish, in oversized shades, a striped shirt, and white jeans. The wind breathes life in the sails, as this infamous family seems happy, fortunate, and alive in the moment. The photos and movies of them sailing are almost as iconic as the people themselves.

Back to reality..while I can manage the sunglasses, striped shirts, and white jeans ~ all of which I already own (whew!), my reality will seem more like camping on water. A family of six, in tight quarters and much to be learned. I will keep you posted. We haven't left the dock yet. And, it took William two days to set foot on the boat..we are all getting our "sea legs" so to speak. I hope you will sail away with me one day ~



Saturday, April 9, 2011

{t x ten}

1. Read American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld: fiction inspired by the life of Laura Bush

2. Listen to ADELE 21

3. Get ready for summer @ Chance with one of their chic beach towels..I can't decide. (La Piscine or La Plage? Both??)

4. A shout out: visit www.parkerjane.type for a blog about decorating, fashion & Paris

5. Go to Kutztown, Pennsylvania & visit Renninger's Antique Extravaganza! April 28-30..come early, bring cash, and be ready to ask,"what is your best price?"

6. Be on the look out for the return of the husbands this week! Mike & Ed are back..

7. Plant some pansies ~ a sure reminder of spring even if the weather says otherwise

8. Start saving those five dollar bills. Imagine the possibilities.

9. Get your run on..spring marks the start of the 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon season. Usually for a good cause and always a lot of fun.

10. Shop online at Net-A-Porter or just browse around to see what's "in"

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Sister, what do you say, back by popular demand ... GUEST BLOGGERS?  The return of Mike & Ed (a.k.a. m&e or e&m).  Stay tuned.  

So here is my funny Mike story.  Mike and I play a money game.  The idea actually came from The Week magazine and I think you sister actually told us about it {before we were official subscribers, also thanks to you}. 

The game goes like this ... every time you receive a $5 bill in the course of buying anything with cash, you have to physically put the $5 bill aside in an envelope and you cannot use it.  No exceptions!  The premise is that there are less $5 bills in circulation than any other denomination of money.  So the odds are in your favor that you're not going to be swamped with $5 bills which would mean less money in your pocket.  On the flip side, you then take all these bills that you saved and do something good with them (i.e. put them in your savings account, retirement account, college education account, etc.)

When Mike and I heard about this, we decided to give it a try.  We've been doing this now for about 2+ years and I could kick myself for not tracking how much money we've saved.  It has to be thousands.  We even took it a step further and had a competition between us to see who could save more 5's.  He usually wins.  As far as what we do with the money, instead of putting it aside, we use it to buy something fun that we otherwise could not justify.  Such as new skiis, fancy handbag, etc. 

So the other day Mike was heading out of town to a football coaching thing.  He stopped at the Wawa for a newspaper and a milk.  All he had on him was a $50 bill to pay for $2.50 worth of goods.  You guessed it, the cashier handed him $45 in $5 bills!  Love it!

What are we saving up for now you might ask?  We have our eye on a fancy stainless steel Weber gas grill!  We are halfway there but I can already smell the burgers.


   come to Mama!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Collision

Quite by accident, I happened to be in Washington D.C. when the cherry blossoms were in bloom. It was a certain sign of spring, even though the weather said otherwise. The trees were spectacular against a brisk, blue sky. I managed to snap a quick photo for you at a traffic light, with a minivan filled with kiddies begging, "Are we there yet?"

Did you know..Japan gave The United States 3,020 cherry blossom trees in 1912 as a gift of friendship? These trees were planted in Sakura Park in Manhattan and throughout the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C. A subsequent gift of 3,800 trees occurred in 1965. Actually, many cities across the country have been recipients of these trees including Newark, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Japanese celebrate the beauty of the cherry blossom with festivals. Most Japanese schools and public buildings have cherry blossom trees planted outside. {I had no idea!} The quick bloom and death of the blossom represents mortality to the Japanese. The arrival of the blooms also signifies a much awaited spring. {if I ever end up in the Cash Cab, I hope I get a question about cherry blossoms}

Honestly, it got me thinking about the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. The scale of tragedy is almost too much to comprehend. It makes my decorating/fashion/funny kids posts seem quite trivial in comparison. (Who cares which font I choose for a monogram??) That said, I decided to help by donating to the Red Cross. You can too by clicking here
and select "Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami". Funny how the cherry blossoms, Japan, and a gift of friendship all collided for me this week.


Monday, April 4, 2011


Meat With No Feet

We saw this saying on the side of a food delivery truck in NYC.   Not sure if it is the actual name of a compay but I love it.  This past Saturday was opening day for Trout fishing here in Pennsylvania.  Very exciting.  Matthew strategically aligned himself with Buddy for a morning of fishing, which of course included a sleepover the night before (he probably thought brother and sister wouldn't notice).

Saturday morning they had to stop home to get appropriate fishing clothing for Matthew.  As suspected, the following conversation was had:

Bud:   does Jack want to come?
Me:    Jack {in bed sleeping}, do you want to go fishing?
Jack:  sure
Kate:  Bud, can I go?
Bud:   if you behave {not!}

Before I could blink an eye, each kid was dressed and ready to go.  I honestly didn't know I had such dedicated fisher people in my house.  Many hours later, the crew started to roll back home.  Good news ... caught 2 fish.  Bad news ... only caught 2 fish.

But this continued throughout the weekend.  The kids drug Buddy down to the stream again on Saturday afternoon and then again on Sunday afternoon.  And, some of the ski friends were fishing too.  Who knew fishing was so popular these days.  Cool.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Accessorize Part Two

I appreciated your recent post got me thinking and peering into my own closet. As an admitted owner of a "librarian" style, accessories are critical in providing the necessary edge for my outfits. Without them, I would be, well, just a librarian. Overall, I realized my accessories are spread out across the board ~ there doesn't seem to be a particular area of hoarding. While I would like to say my accessories add a punch of color to my blacks, grays, and navy blues, there doesn't seem to be a bright color anywhere {just a hint of Hermes orange or mustard}

Accessorize Part II

1. Shoes - small shoe collection. I seem to be finicky about shoes, hence the small collection. My habit here is to find a favorite and "run it into the ground", so to speak. My current spring obsession ~ Tory's Reva flats. Black and brown of course! ;)

2. Jewelry - like you, I appreciate vintage jewelry for a unique look. My Bakelite bracelets are a favorite and I heard JCrew has them in their fall 2011 line. Speaking of which, piles of mix'n'match bracelets are the hot item now. Pretty much anything goes when it comes to the wrists. Of course, I do love, love, love my pearls. Perfect for any librarian.

3. Sunglasses - again, not a collector. Read about women who have 30-50 pairs!!! They must live somewhere much sunnier than NJ. I have black, blue, brown, and aviators. Still seething with envy that you saved your super cool aviators from the 90's. Suh-sweet!

4. Handbags - definitely a collection here..summer, fall, evening, beach, and so on. There are so many categories of bags. Again, I usually have a favorite that I use the entire season. {mostly lazy, as it is a lot of work to change bags} Seem to be saving some in the hopes that one of my girls may appreciate a "vintage" bag from mom down the road. On GOOP, Gwynnie just mentioned that the clutch is in - store all large handbags and shove everything into a tiny evening bag. Use all day long. A colorful one is best too! Oddly enough, I was able to dig out such a bag. {see photo} Will give it the college try. Hope diaper wipes fit inside it..

5. While it isn't truly an accessory, classic red lips are in!!! Luckily, I am a huge fan and it gives me a good dose of needed color. If Bobbi Brown is reading this: please bring back the color "Cassis". It was my perfect red and I miss it. Crimson just isn't the same.


Friday, April 1, 2011