There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Woman vs. Winter

I have hit the wall - not the brick wall, but the snowy one in my town and the perceived one in my mind.  Running in the winter has become a challenge to me.  I see runners in sleet, snow, and rain, just like the postman.  Nothing stops these diehards (and I applaud you!!).  I once thought I had what it takes to join these ranks, but lately, I feel uncertain.

Here's the thing .. wearing two coats, two pairs of pants, hats, gloves, and neck warmers make it hard to move, let along run.  Next, once one starts running, the icey/slushy roads/sidewalks present danger at every turn (I pray if I fall, nothing important breaks).  Last, my face is frozen, no matter how I attempt to cover it.  Misery.

Now, here's the funny thing .. after I do all of the aforementioned, I feel GREAT!!  Truly.  It is a tug-o-war between the mind and body.  The body wants/needs/misses all of the good that exercise provides.  The mind dreads the numerous unsavory aspects which may occur.  With the temps in the single digits and low doubles, my tug-o-war will continue.  I need to remember the Nike slogan and make it my new mantra this winter -- just do it!


PS check out the site "Road I.D." : get a personalized I.D. tag or bracelet to wear for running, cycling, skiing, etc.  It includes your name and emergency contact info.  Great for the kiddies too ~ school, camp, field trips, etc.  At 19.99 - priceless.  Check it out.

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