Most people are quick to focus on their flaws ~ usually external, beauty related. We all do it, including me. On the opposite side, I am ok with recognizing a positive quality. My hair. I know, sounds strange. My hair is naturally stick straight, chestnut brown, no greys (until recently) and a spritz or two of cheap hairspray is all it gets. All natural, healthy hair. Whether or not it is nice is subjective but I will think of it as a positive.
So a couple of things happened probably since the beginning of summer. My shoulder length "Gwyneth" bob started to grow alittle longer. And I started to use the flat iron to get rid of the little bump in the middle that develops from blow drying it. I also decided not to get a haircut in order to let it grow (I was always diligent about getting a haircut every 7 weeks). Then I decided one day to replace my cheap flat iron because I didn't want it to ruin my hair. Makes sense, right? So I upgraded. Next, I noticed that giving a slight curl at the bottom of the hair was in style. So I bought the fat curling iron. After several attempts, I think I got it. Excellent. My hair is stylin' even though the rest of me may not be.
Enter the winter months and I felt like my hair was full of static. Upon further examination, I noticed some split and broken ends. I became obsessed with picking at them and realized this was going nowhere good. I thought I had healthy hair. I decided to go in for a much needed haircut. After examing the problem spots, my hairstylist very nicely broke the news: I managed to singe the bottom part of my hair. Split, broken, dry. Nice!
I am officially self-grounded from all hot hairstyling products. Unless I have a special function of course. Good-bye to my flat iron(s) and curling iron. Hello to super straight hair with a bump!
highly recommended - going forward
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