There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Amid the deep freeze of winter (did I detect warmth today?!), my thoughts wander to a safe haven..summertime. Regardless of the daily boots, hats, and mittens, I know she is a-coming. Blue skies, sunshine, sandy beaches, and cool pools. I can hardly wait.

Then it HITS me - what will we DO this summer? As a child, summer was an endless stream of simple, lazy days. Riding bikes to the pool, a trip to the shore, catching lightning bugs, reading piles of books, slathering on Coppertone, and so on. You remember, don't you??

As an adult, I recognize "summer" requires some thoughtful planning. Eight weeks - not so endless. Truly finite. It will go by much too quickly. I seek balance. I want our time to be our own..not watching the clock and driving from A to B. I want opportunities for us to daydream, make our own fun, and be spontaneous! (you do realize, after a few hours of this, we will go bonkers!!) Then, there is vacation, a tiny bit of camp, and swim team.

Pull out the calendar, slice it all up, start filling in the days and weeks, don't forget the birthdays, and ta-da ~ it is done!! Now, I can pray for good weather (is there a saint for good weather?) and begin looking forward to it all. Ahhhh.

What are you doing this summer sister?? I hope we can do something together.


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