There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Six O Six

In 1977, a group of lawyers decided to meet at 6:00 AM each and every day to run. They run between 4.5 - 5.5 miles around downtown Annapolis and the Naval Academy. There is no formal registration and everyone is welcome to join them. (tourists show up too!) They run through snow and rain, as well as the occasional blizzard and hurricane. The only change occurred when the starting time allowed a six minute grace period for the late stragglers ~ hence the name "6:06" was born.

The 6:06'ers embrace a joyful spirit of running. In the early hours, they not only share miles, but stories, jokes, and friendship. There have been pranks along the route and infamous nicknames for group members. One of the founders, Gill Cochran's mantra is, "If you run alone, it's a chore. If you run with a friend, you can run forever."

Check out their website at I love how they state their pace: "all paces are represented and welcome" I wonder if that includes my pace?? ;) One day, we will have to go to Annapolis and set our alarm clocks extra early. Maybe 5:30 AM (!) just to get on our sneakers and meet up with the 6:06'ers. And, yes, Mike is welcome to join us.

The poster below hangs in the running store in my town. The quote by Steve Prefontaine is a favorite of mine. His story is amazing, but another day, another blog. Gotta run...


ps - - chrysalis? Seriously?? I will assume you are just joking with me.

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