There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Saturday, January 29, 2011

{come flea with me}

Hey Sister ~ there is nothing like a little field trip to help beat the winter blues. Come flea with me on Sunday..indoor style!! Sometimes the best places are in one's backyard and in this case, it is my backyard. Summit to be precise.

I have been going to Summit Antiques for almost ten years (gasp!) now. It is a two floor emporium filled with antiques, collectables, and vintage finds. I love the "co-op" style where various sellers rent space and sell their goods under one roof. Over the years, I have gotten to know the "style" of each seller ~ of course, some I like more than others and many come and go. There is always a hidden treasure to be had. I can't wait to share one of my favs with you!

OK this is the skinny Minnie --> they open at 11 AM (and you know me, I love being prompt.) They accept cash, checks, and credit cards (!) as payment. There is a little wiggle room in "What is the best price on this?" And, all items must fit into my minivan for transport. That's it. [lunch afterwards is a given]

Hope you can come.

recent find at Summit Antiques

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