There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, January 3, 2011


A new year, I think it makes sense to start planning.  Goals, objectives, how to "get it right" this year.  But it usually takes me a bit of time to transition.  I just cracked open my 2011 planner and started to mark down what I know so far.  Funny how similar the years look on paper ~ we kind of do the same stuff year after year.  However, before I completely jump into 2011, I have to somehow acknowledge the past 56 weeks.  After a super quick analysis, I am going to give 2010 a thumbs up!

this T's Top 10 of 2010:
(in no particular order)

turning the big four-oh (grey hair included, I guess) :

travel (especially out west to Colorado and San Francisco) :

a new ride (plus the dealership rocks, they offer a "car spa" ~ genius ~ 
$99.95 for wash, wax, leather treatment, etc.) :

patio project (outdoor living, finally) :

girls weekends (several of them ~ NH, LBI, ANP) :

concert attendance (Counting Crows & Lady Antebellum) :

half marathon (respectable finish) :

blog (we actually did something we talked about ~ kind of wish it were
the tree tray?) :

yoga (the start of something good?):

Pittsburgh trip (one night with hubby in a brand new, high end modern hotel that we really couldn't afford ~ but we did it anyway!):

* * *
Besides all the things that were done and accomplished in 2010, I had some "light bulb" moments along the way.  An idea or realization that makes me look at things differently.  Hopefully with these new thoughts in hand, I can try to "get it right" this year.  Wish me luck sister!

ringing in the new year

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