There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tiger vs. Kitten

Dear Amy,

After hearing the hype (pretty much everywhere) about your new book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", I finally read it. In fact, I liked it so much, I breezed through it in just two cozy, winter days. Honestly, I didn't expect to like it (or you!) as much as I did.

OK. I get it. As a Westerner, I am basically a kitten mother to my children ... respecting their individuality, providing choices, nurturing self-esteem, and accepting mediocre schoolwork. There is nothing I would love more than to prepare my children for the future by, as you put it, "arming them with skills, strong work habits, and inner confidence." Producing a math whiz or a music prodigy wouldn't hurt either.

In my mind, I wonder what it would be like if I became a Tiger Mother like you. For starters, I would hold a team meeting to announce my new title and --> "Now hear this little people! No more play dates or sleepovers, no TV or computer games, all grades will be A's, you will practice violin or piano 2-3 hours each day and you will respect all adults." No doubt TEARS would follow. And, as usual, Emma would still say, "You are the worst mom!!"

Back to reality and I realize, as a born and bred Western mom, I can never be a Tiger Mother. True. What I can do is this ~ find a balance between the two philosophies and be my own breed of mother. Sometimes though, when things get difficult (as they often do), I can think about you in the back of my mind ... WWTMD?? What would Tiger Mom Do??



PS to Amy: how about a follow up book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Wife?"

PSS to C.: thank you for the gift of a new book!!

PSSS to all of my readers who are friends..if you want/need to borrow my copy of the book, you know where to find me

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Great day sister!  Thank you for hosting me in NJ for shopping and lunch and most certainly for some much needed me&t time.

I know Summit Antiques is one of your local go to spots and I can see why. A two level co-op with so much stuff you can get overwhelmed.  But with your keen eye we left with some great picks.  Of course my favorite purchase is the charm bracelet adorned with different size silver coins.  And in your pile, the rather tall seahorse.  Super cool.

I think we should have picked up the vintage red leather purse and at least one old valentine.  Were they on "the list"?

In case you were wondering, I did not eat dinner.  Still full - could it have been the double order of truffle fries AND the sticky bun (in addition to the actual lunch).  Who does that?  Probably not all the skinnies I am watching on the SAG awards red carpet.

Have a good night - we can dish on the SAG award fashions tomorrow.


P.S.  Your house looks great - 2nd floor library renovation is very fresh.

P.S.S.  I thought e&m delivered quite well as guest bloggers. It was funny how Mike set himself up for a return spot.  Thanks guys - we actually had a lot of positive feedback from readers.

P.S.S.S.  Jack is looking mighty tough with 6 stitches in his lip!  Note to readers: building a snow fort and then throwing a shovel = sliced lip.  Ouch!  But the ER was on my way home - hmm.

note: the owl is from a pair of bookends
you guessed it ~ t has the other one!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

{come flea with me}

Hey Sister ~ there is nothing like a little field trip to help beat the winter blues. Come flea with me on Sunday..indoor style!! Sometimes the best places are in one's backyard and in this case, it is my backyard. Summit to be precise.

I have been going to Summit Antiques for almost ten years (gasp!) now. It is a two floor emporium filled with antiques, collectables, and vintage finds. I love the "co-op" style where various sellers rent space and sell their goods under one roof. Over the years, I have gotten to know the "style" of each seller ~ of course, some I like more than others and many come and go. There is always a hidden treasure to be had. I can't wait to share one of my favs with you!

OK this is the skinny Minnie --> they open at 11 AM (and you know me, I love being prompt.) They accept cash, checks, and credit cards (!) as payment. There is a little wiggle room in "What is the best price on this?" And, all items must fit into my minivan for transport. That's it. [lunch afterwards is a given]

Hope you can come.

recent find at Summit Antiques

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo Friday No. 11

neat & tidy in
New Jersey

charity event last night in

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chaos Theory

I’ll admit, when first asked to guest blog a month back, I said sure, never once giving thought to what it actually meant. After all, how hard could it be writing about whatever comes to mind? For those of you who know me, it comes as no surprise that I tend to have strong opinions about most things, so I figured it’d be easy to blog on any one of a number of subjects. Cue the pressure. Ever so subtley, T (or should I say “t” and did you ever wonder who’s who?) began to ask what my topic was. Topic? I need a topic? And don’t forget the picture (which by the way has to go with your topic). I was told I needed to be creative and perhaps funny because people who know me would be reading my blog. OMG (blogger for Oh My God I am told)! What have I gotten myself into? Mikey Me (seriously bro, we’re in this together, so your not helping with the nickname thing) is worried about divorce if he screws this up? How about death by creativity? Martha Stewart has nothing over my "t".

By now reader (another blogism?) you have no doubt guessed I don’t really read blogs (present company excluded) let alone do blogs. However, I have enjoyed learning a bit about myself in me&t t&me. I have also learned enough to know that shout outs are not only appropriate they are part of the fiber of a good blog. So I’d like to thank the two “t’s” for asking us to do this. I always have a lot to say, but it is rare that I get such a dedicated forum (complete with 4 admitted followers). So fasten your seat belts. Here it goes.

As you might expect with four young children and being married to Martha Stewart (did I say that?) there's a fair amount of chaos in my life. But it's exactly that chaos that I look forward to whether I am coming home from work in the evening or returning from a business trip abroad. I might complain about the craziness from time to time, but the truth be told, it makes the trip through life so much more fun, because in the end it binds us as a family.

Team Brown is a rolling party. Piled into the swagger wagon within minutes Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" is spinning. Destined for Broadway, Emma is belting out the lyrics. Believe me when I tell you she knows them. Then again she should, as she asks us to repeat the song over and over again. There's a plus side to this though, because as a 47 year old man, I can look hip to the younger generation as I know all the "ga ga"s and "o la la"s. Who would have thought?

Driving along, the conversation turns to what costume I'm wearing for my firm's upcoming Charity Day. This requires a bit of set up, so stick with me. Charity Day, for the uninitiated, is the day my firm takes all of its revenue and donates it to various charities across the globe. It's a pretty special thing. What is really unique about Charity Day is that the employees dress up in costume (or fancy dress - my firm is British). Many groups have themes and the costumes can be quite elaborate.

This year my division was dressing up as super heroes and villians. Unfortunately, that presented a dilemma for me as I have to wear a suit in order to greet the various celebrities who represent the charities. Putting on my thinking cap, I had a eureka moment. I'll wear a Superman t-shirt under my suit, don my glasses, and be Clark Kent.

Back to the swagger wagon. The conversation goes like this.

Henry: Dada, who are you dressing up as?
Me: Clark Kent (I explain my costume).
Henry: Who's that?

Me: You know, he's Superman when he's not Superman.

A moment of silence. I'm not entirely sure he knows who Superman is, so I continue.

Me: You know Superman, right?
Henry: Yea, but I thought he wore a cape?
Me: He does, but when he's not in his cape, he wears a suit. He goes into a phone booth to change.
Henry: What's a phone booth?

Then there's Grace. Smart as a whip (apologies for the parent pride moment), she typically has her head buried in a book. Sight a hawk over head and she pops back into the conversation. "That's not a hawk Daddy, that's a turkey vulture". Really? I think. How does she know that. It's a hundred feet in the air.

Not one to be left out, our youngest, Willy, alternates between keeping himself occupied and jumping into the mix. He and Emma are best frienemies. Laughing together one minute, screaming at each other the next. It's all good though. A few years back, Willy used to get car sick. I got so good at pulling out car seats (the swagger wagon's, not Willy's) to clean, I could do it blindfolded.

We reach our destination and it's on to the next party. " t" and I just look at each other and smile. Perhaps peace will descend.  But the kids have a better idea. Party on!

Ed B. (with Mike Me)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mikey Me

Hmmm… first ever blog……where do I start?  My wife seems very concerned that I will somehow “mess” this up.  Does she think I won’t take it serious?  Or that I will sound like an idiot? Or that I will take digs at my darling Tracy?  Now she should know better….I always deliver!  Just ask her about how I have “nailed” all of the birthday, mother’s day, and Christmas gifts!  (you may have read about the lawn chair).

I wasn’t sure what to blog about because I did not want to sound selfish.  I’m still not sure where the nickname “Mikey Me” came from.  However, after some thought, I have decided to write about the things I enjoy.  Of course, family and friends do come first in my life, but we all have likes, passions, hobbies that get us through this world.  For some it may be golf or watching football.  For others it may be shopping or reading.  We all have to have things that we enjoy to live life to the fullest and with me it is about being very active.

I have decided to nickname my portion of the me&t t&me blog:

I have three things other than the truly important things that go with being a dad/husband that I enjoy doing and in this edition of my blog I will explain my favorite hobby.  Maybe this will help our readers understand me more.  Maybe this will allow my wife to appreciate me more.  Maybe this will get me divorced (kidding).

My favorite hobby is:


A few years ago I would not have said this.  I began skiing when I was about 13 years old and I skied a little in high school and college, but outside of one ski trip with friends and Tracy each winter, I barely skied in my 20’s and early 30’s.  This all began to change when Jack was about 6 or 7 that we started to ski more.  Then, about 4 years ago we really got involved in weekend skiing with our friends.  Now it is a passion that I love and I am pretty sure Jack feels the same.  Matthew is in his 3rd year and little 4-year old Kate is very good for a first year skier.  Tracy enjoys skiing too, (almost as much as she enjoys shopping for new ski outfits and goggles).

I find myself thinking about hitting the slopes not only in the winter but in the summer months.  I wear my t-shirts from the various mountain resorts that we have been to even at 4th of July and Labor Day parties.  There is nothing on this earth like “hitting the slopes”. 

The drive to the mountain is exciting.  Wondering what the conditions will be like:  Will there be fresh powder?  Will there be icy spots?  Will it be crowded?  Will it be another day or night that I will cherish forever?  These entire questions zoom through my mind as Taylor Swift plays in the background (for some reason, she has become the entertainment of choice for our trips to the mountain). 

The most difficult part involves getting ready when we arrive at the mountain.  The more kids I have with me the more I lose my patience.  However, it is amazing how I forget about the screaming and the “I will never do this again” quotes I unleash as Kate refuses to wear her head scarf or Matty says he wants to use the “claw” in the arcade before we even get on the lift.  These are all forgotten because when I get on top of that mountain and move the tips of my skis to the edge of a trail I am reminded of what a beautiful world we live in.  It doesn’t matter to me whether it is the Rocky Mountains of Summit County Colorado, or the Green Mountains of southern Vermont, or the foothills of the Pocono Mountains at Blue Mountain…..I take a deep breath of the cold fresh air and just close my eyes for a second.  Then I open up, enjoy the precious view, clap my poles together and GOOOOOOOO!

I love speed and there is nothing faster on land without an engine than flying down a mountain on skies.  I love carving my mark in the corduroy of the freshly groomed snow.   I also love the deep powder on the edge of the trails or the China Bowl at Vail (Tracy knows I was kidding last year when I stood over the China Bowl and said #3—my wedding day, #2—the birth of my children, #1—skiing powder up past your knees in the China bowl!).  I cannot forget about the bumps.  Moguls are a challenge, but fun, especially when the temperatures warm up in the spring and they get soft.  I also love the jumps.  I probably should not be getting into “big air” as I push 40, but to feel, even if it is for only a few seconds, like I am floating in the air gives me a fix that many people need drugs and alcohol to accomplish. 

Another great part about skiing is the “postgame”.   I love going to Pizza Como after Blue Mt. to share good times with family and friends as I chow down on a California Cheeseburger with mushrooms.  I chuckle as Matty bugs me for another dollar to play the video game.  Jack and his friends take up their own table and brag about their “big” accomplishments on the slopes earlier.  I love going to Deegans Tavern near Mt. Snow to share the same “after-ski” good times.  And I love sitting in a hot tub at 9,000 feet above sea level in the middle of the Rocky Mountains w/ my wife and friends talking about our kids, hopes, and dreams.

Yes I love skiing.  It is my favorite hobby and the greatest part of it is that I can share it with my friends and family and God willing, I will be able to continue doing so for a very long time.

Tune in soon for part 2 of Why I do What I do.

Thanks me&t t&me,

Mikey Me

Stratton, VT (2009) 

Monday, January 24, 2011


Out of nowhere there seems to be a flurry of activity internally here at me&t t&me.  For starters, we are nearing our 100th post!  Pretty exciting for a bunch of newbie bloggers.  Thinking about doing something special, maybe a surprise for t.

Somehow I overlooked this but apparently there is some attention paid to the customization of blog pages.  Professional work vs. the standard template.  When in life don't you have to keep up with the Joneses?  So this weekend I was obsessed with all things on blog design.  In educating myself, I found that more established blog designers have a waiting list and you get in their "queue".  Then you wait sometimes four months until you get your custom design.  Yikes ~ I am way to impatient for that.  So I dug alittle further and found some great programs for do-it-yourself designs.  We may just give it a shot.  That is a hint to keep an eye out for a new header possibly in the near future.  Wish us luck.

Last but not least.  This week we welcome our first ever guest bloggers.  Very exciting.  Who are they you might ask?  None other than the husbands.  It seems as though they have much to say as well.  The only rule put out there is they cannot make any digs at us ~ right t?  First up is my husband Mike.  We will publish his post tomorrow night.  Then on Wednesday night will be Ed, Tricia's husband.  I can't wait to read what is on their minds.  If they do a good job, we might just invite them back.  Or help them to start their own blog ... e&m m&e!

There you have it.  It's all good stuff!

As it relates to husbands, this here comic strip hangs in our powder room. 
It alsways make me smile & reads:

"After much thought and consideration, I've
decided to remain as coach of the team in
order to spend less time with my family."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Smile & Say Cheese!

Okay..truth be told, this one has been on my radar for awhile. While cruising the aisles of Target, I saw it, grabbed it, and put it in my cart. What is "it" you may ask? A POLAROID camera!!! I am so excited I can hardly blog!!!

Rewind to the 1970's for a moment.. We were the proud owners of one of the original Polaroid cameras. Our grandparents had one too. Everyone would huddle around a photo, waiting patiently for the image to appear as if by magic. Over time, the image would darken. (I always adored the white borders too) Our original camera is still around ~ it has found a home in Grandma's and "Buddy's" toy chest for their grand kiddies! Even without any film or photo popping out, the children have great fun with their cool camera.

Back to 2011. My new Polaroid camera is a bit sleeker and more stylish. And, the film produces photos that are about the size of a business card - super cool. For someone like me, who has always been a shutterbug, the possibilities are endless. (for someone who isn't a shutterbug, the possibilities are just as endless!) I imagine taking photos at a party (big or little kid) and giving the photos to guests as "favors". How about sending a thank you note to a grandparent with a photo of the child holding the gift? What about shadowing your child for an entire day with camera in hand -- put the photos in a small album with the title "A Day in the Life of Emma". I could go on and on.

Now for the hard part..I have to take it out of the box (read the directions?) and get started. I promise to let you know how it goes. Perhaps I will bring it along on our next (upcoming!) field trip. Say cheese ~


Saturday, January 22, 2011


Little man {seven year old that is} told me that he and Buddy were building a catapult.  Instantly I thought this was so he could catapult his sister into the next room when she was bothering him.  Because apparently she bothers him alot.  I asked Matthew what he was going to use this for.  He said to catapult erasers, paper clips and things like that.  Good, four year old sister was not on the list but someone will no doubt lose an eye. 

So Matthew and Buddy have been working on this for about a week now.  And last night I finally got to see it.  Truth be told, I was envisioning a sling shot.  This catapult is amazing!  It is so good I felt the need to ask some questions.

t: So Buddy, did this come from a kit?
Bud: No
t: Ok, so there was an article in a magazine and you followed the instructions?
Bud: No
t: Ok
Bud: It needed wheels
t: {but of course}

The scale is perfect, the parts are so detailed and it works great.  And it is indeed on wheels.  Because a large catapult used by say the ancient Greek and Romans could not possibly be moved without wheels so the mini version should only follow suit.  They even created mini corks to catalpult around the house ... so that nobody loses an eye!  I found out the corks came from Tess's bowl of wine bottle corks.  They cut them up ~ oops.

Great job guys.  I applaud the imagination and for making it work.  Now, can we mass produce and sell them?  I can already see the kids lining up.

P.S. Sister, do you remember when Buddy so lovingly made Grace the beautiful doll house?  The handpainted shaker shingles, the wallpaper, the detail.  You get a doll house, I get a catapult!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Photo Friday No. 10

Getting Organized in
New Jersey

more snow and no school {again} in

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Charmed Life

Apologies for not posting yesterday ~ busy celebrating the birthday of a dear friend, which leads me to my topic. Check this gift idea out for a group of friends --> each friend presented the birthday girl with a charm relating to their friendship. For example, since we run together each week (no walking!), I gave her a running sneaker. Another friend, who is a partner in crime when it comes to shopping, chose a handbag. It was great fun watching the recipient open each tiny package, as the significance was explained in turn. Of course, for the finale, we gave her the bracelet to affix all of the charms. (btw - like most grand ideas, I nicked this from someone else. And, when I turn the big five-oh, I hope and pray I receive a gift such as this. True.)

Here is another version we did for our very own mother..we selected silhouettes for each of our children and had their first initials engraved on them. One could do monograms, birthrates, first names ~ the sky is the limit! Put them all on a bracelet and one special grandmother has one special gift from her grandchildren. This is great gift for moms too. Mother's Day is only four months away!

My final variation is one that my super sister gave to my girls. When each of my daughters was born, they received a bracelet with a charm relating to their Baptism. Another charm was gifted for Communion. The start of a perfect keepsake for a lifetime of memories!

Can you tell I adore charm bracelets?? Timeless, traditional, one-of-a-kind, elegant, and meaningful all rolled into one. And, a perfect gift to boot.


Monday, January 17, 2011


In case you haven't heard, and it has been all over the news, the astrology signs have changed!  Really?  I have spent the last 40 years analyzing my sign as it relates to me.  Apparently this change has something to do with the Earth's position in relation to the Sun.  But do not panic ~ whether or not you need to reinvent yourself based on a new sign depends on whether you follow Western astrology or Eastern astrology ~ who knew?

It appears that Western astrology is based on the seasons (and they have not changed) vs. Eastern astrology which is based on constellations.  If you follow the Eastern version, then start learning your new sign AND be prepared becasue there is a 13th sign known as Ophiuchus.  Craziness! 

I have always been a follower of my sign ~ astrological Cancer ~ a tough sign in my opinion.  Cancer is a mysterious sign, filled with contradictions.  In just our two families, we have a total of five astrological cancers, yikes!  me&t (that's right, both of us!), Matthew, Grace and William. 

But here is my "new" thing ... birthday-ology (not sure if that is even a word).  This is where you drill down to personality traits based on your date of birth.  Fascinating!  A co-worker introduced me to this and a wonderful, huge book that she owns.  Then, I came across a pocket sized book at one of our favorite stores ~ Anthropologie.  This book provides much less detail but is useful none-the-less.  Here you go sister:
You are quick and have a good, clear-thinking mind, although you are sometimes unintentionally brusque in your speech.  You have strong determination and the conviction of your ideas.  You make friends and hold them.  The love you will compel will be strong and steadfast.

You are blessed with unlimited ability.  You would find success in anything you undertook if you applied all your efforts faithfully.  You are upright and have fastidious tastes and sound judgment; you are dependable and loving and enjoy and seek a harmonious life with pleasant surroundings.

So, I periodically refer to this book  and refresh on the details about Mike and the kids of course.  It certainly helps me to understand where they are coming from.  Puts things in perspective (which I love).  Husband thinks I am crazy!!!  What do you think?


Why does the title have to include the words

Friday, January 14, 2011

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

I was going to write about a fun, frivolous topic today and something happened to change my mind completely. Both you and I got the horrible news that our next-door neighbor passed away. I can't think about anything mind is filled with it. My carefree-looking-forward-to the-weekend-Friday has taken a turn for the worse. Nothing fun or frivolous about it.

Our lovely neighbor was a mother to three children, two girls and a boy. They are now adults, but I remember when they moved in and she brought them home from the hospital as babies. They all had summery blonde hair and the girls often twirled outside in their dresses. They were a young family with so much promise.

Besides being a wonderful mother, our neighbor was a gifted nurse. She worked with the fragile babies in the NICU. Once, she joked as she held one of our babies, that it felt so good to hold a healthy, heavy baby. Whether a mother or nurse, she was always smiling, happy, and beautiful - she had the most amazing thick, curly brown hair. Like I often say to my kids ... "beautiful on the outside and beautiful on the inside."

She was only fifty-five years old. Too young. When things like this happen, and they often do, I take a deep breath. I remember what I need to be mindful of doing. Cherish the moment, tell loved ones that I love them, and hold my children just a little closer and a bit longer. Pretty much everything else is out of my hands.


Photo Friday No. 9

Cozy in
New Jersey

loving new sunglasses in
{snow covered, 10 degrees, but sunny!}

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am not a Saturday Night Live junkie BUT I heard that Gwyneth Paltrow is hosting this weekend!  And sister, you know I AM a Gwyneth Paltrow junkie!  Funny thing about Gwynnie is that she is everywhere these days.  I guess her days of staying out of the spotlight to raise her kids is over.  She is back on the big screen, singing on the CMA Awards, blogging on GOOP and even making guest appearances on TV shows.  There was some buzz over her appearance on Glee and especially her rendition of Cee Lo Green's "(Expletive) You" song.  Of course I watched that episode and dvr'd it for later reference. 

On occassion, I will do a Google search of Gwyneth.  I like to see what she is up to, what she is wearing and who she is hanging with.  Some celeb gossip pages are very helpful and call out the brand names she is sporting such as the Goyard bag.  I then of course Google Goyard and quickly become dissapointed to learn that I cannot afford the same great bag that Gwyneth carries.  So sad. 

I recently began to check out some of her interviews via You Tube.  I think my favorite is her talk with Chelsea Handler.  Gwyneth tells a story about how her daughter has an American accent at home but a British accent at school and around her friends.  It is funny ~ check it out!

Did I mention the musical guest on SNL is Cee Lo Green.  He apparently liked Gwyneth's rendition of his song and hinted there may be something in the works for Saturday night.  But he is not telling what.  He did say that whatever they do is going to be extra cool.  So tune in my friend!

Gwyneth was spotted wearing one
I could afford one
a really good cause

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and That #2

1. Thanks to you ~ the minivan is rockin to our new Taylor Swift cd. We are loving it!! It seems no one loves it more than Emma...the other day at the top (and I mean top) of her lungs, she sang, "You're a liar and pathetic" over and over and over again. True.

2. As we anticipate another snowstorm, the kiddies and I were plotting what we will do on our snow day tomorrow. Henry said, "We can make snow devils!!" Snow devils??!! I told him he must have meant angels. Nope. Devils. He said they made them at recess, horns and all.(I pray that God has a sense of humor & their principal didn't notice)

3. I do get sad when we take down our Christmas tree. It is a loss of a beautiful decoration and a season of memories. That said, we finally took the tree down on Sunday. It was time as the dry needles were becoming a fire hazard. William paddled downstairs Monday morning in his pjs and asked, "Mommy, is Christmas over?" See, sad all over again.William is not one to give in easily -- threw a tantrum until I dug his Santa hat out of the bins packed away in the basement. He is still wearing it.

4. Finally went to see Black Swan. It was a great movie. Beautiful and horrible at the same time. Loved the acting, costumes, music, and scenery...just about everything. It has given me some bad dreams and maybe a stomachache from too much buttery popcorn. Go see it!

5. Thanks for the spelling practice program! (Spellboard by Pala Software) Grace is trying her first spelling bee and needs to practice, practice, practice. Hope she can spell "chrysalis"! Good luck Grace!

6. Some in's and out's --> gray seems to be the new beige, furry trapper hats are out (still looking for one!),and Prosecco (an Italian sparkling white wine) is the "in" drink. Cheers!! And, last, a handbag styled in the spirit of a man's briefcase. I wonder if Ed will mind if I empty his out and borrow it. Ed??

7. It seems OCD is contagious!! I shared a photo I spied about organizing clothing in drawers using a vertical instead of horizontal orientation ~ brilliant!! This way one can see all of the choices, rather than just the one on top. This is where it gets husband caught the new year, clean slate, get organized bug. The photo below is his t-shirt drawer. No joke. I am seething with envy. I wish one of my drawers looked like his.

Is it snowing in Pennsylvania? It is snowing here. It felt like snow was in the air all day. We can't wait to make "snow ghosts" tomorrow. Picture a cylinder instead of three balls. Dig out holes for the eyes and insert flashlights so it looks spooky at night. Wish me luck!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Start Spreading the News!

Okay, this one is going out to our readers ~ yes, YOU!!! Both T's would like to thank you for not only taking time to read me&t t&me, but to share your kind and thoughtful words about it. We appreciate you being part of our little (and I mean little) venture. That said, feel free to share your thoughts by posting a comment -- (hint, hint) Maybe, even become a follower -- (hint, hint)

Looking forward, we have some fun, new things in store for all of us...more field trips and adventures, guest writers (soon!), and, hopefully, some comments & dear followers!! In the meantime, be on the look out for a tiny square that could be coming your way so you don't forget about us.. (see below) We are always thinking about YOU! xo

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sorry we didn't connect this weekend sister.  We spent Friday and Saturday night on the slopes!  With some fresh snow on Friday, we couldn't resist.  Although I quickly came to realize why we don't ski on a Friday night ~ the average age of everyone on the slopes was about 17.  I felt like an old lady.  We had some fresh snow on Saturday again, only about an inch or so but it was so beautiful.  For some reason, I felt like I was in Vermont.  So the skiing was great but it was COLD!  Matthew sat out Saturday night ~ poor little man.  Thank goodness grandparents live 10 minutes from the mountain and are more than willing to babysit.  I know you bundle up and dress for it but I am guessing it was in the high teens on both nights.  I am still thawing out.  Hope you are warm in New Jersey.


P.S.  We need to finalize plans for our next shopping adventure!

    does laying on the snow
make you warmer?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Six O Six

In 1977, a group of lawyers decided to meet at 6:00 AM each and every day to run. They run between 4.5 - 5.5 miles around downtown Annapolis and the Naval Academy. There is no formal registration and everyone is welcome to join them. (tourists show up too!) They run through snow and rain, as well as the occasional blizzard and hurricane. The only change occurred when the starting time allowed a six minute grace period for the late stragglers ~ hence the name "6:06" was born.

The 6:06'ers embrace a joyful spirit of running. In the early hours, they not only share miles, but stories, jokes, and friendship. There have been pranks along the route and infamous nicknames for group members. One of the founders, Gill Cochran's mantra is, "If you run alone, it's a chore. If you run with a friend, you can run forever."

Check out their website at I love how they state their pace: "all paces are represented and welcome" I wonder if that includes my pace?? ;) One day, we will have to go to Annapolis and set our alarm clocks extra early. Maybe 5:30 AM (!) just to get on our sneakers and meet up with the 6:06'ers. And, yes, Mike is welcome to join us.

The poster below hangs in the running store in my town. The quote by Steve Prefontaine is a favorite of mine. His story is amazing, but another day, another blog. Gotta run...


ps - - chrysalis? Seriously?? I will assume you are just joking with me.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Photo Friday No. 8

Still Snowy in
New Jersey

Dinner with Girlfriends in

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy Tuesday.  We are officially back to the grind ... work, school and homework!

A couple of years ago we made the decision not to send Matthew to kindergarten as a five year old, when most kids start.  He would have been one of the younger kids in his grade.  Sometimes parents are faced with tough decisions.  Our decision was carefully calculated based on the following pro/con list relative to starting kindergarten on time:

Pros                                                                             Cons
save ~ $7,000 a year in daycare cost          late June birthday
he'll be bored another year at daycare        he's a boy

The simplicity of the list is glaring.  I'm not sure how the cons won out especially with $7k involved.  But they did.

Fast forward and Matthew is now in first grade.  He constantly says "I hate school" and I constantly reply "but Matthew, school loves you".  Which it does.  Weekly spelling words have been easy breezy for him (I'm guessing because he is now older for his grade).  He would study the words one night ~ 100% on tests.  Until his teacher approached us and asked if Matthew was interested in doing the "challenge" words.  Matthew said no, we said yes.  Three challenge word spelling tests under our belt.  Not easy.  Multi-syllable words with tricky silent letter combinations.

To study for the challenge words, we have a system.  There is a great app on the iPad that I highly recommend: Spell Board (by PalaSoftware).  A dry erase board would work just as well, or a pencil and paper (but the iPad is fun).  For two nights, we do the iPad and then for two nights I quiz him and he practices writing the words.  We probably do about 25 quizzes in total.

Fresh off the long Christmas break, Matthew receives his challenge words for the week.  I get home from work yesterday and take a look at the list (kind of with some excited anticipation ~ I actually enjoy doing these with him).  My eyes quickly scan the list ... then come to a sudden stop.  There must be a mistake ... what is that word.  Clearly too difficult for a 1st grader.  So out loud I try to pronounce the word and stumble, alot.  Almost in unison, the 6th grader and 1st grader not only correct my pronunciation but tell me what the heck the word means.  Yikes!  I was taken down a notch.  I am clearly not "Smarter than a 5th Grader" or even a 1st grader.  Sister, since you were the english person and I was the math person, do you know this word?


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baby Steps

I needed some time to reflect on the arrival of the new year. 2011 is here, ready or not. Truth be told, I was trying to juggle the joy of the holidays with the pain of the clean up: presents to be put away (but where??), the tree (daunting at best), and the leftover wrap, returns, exchanges, thank you notes, etc. You can see why it is hard to look forward when the Ghost of Christmas Past is holding me back.

A new year is a fresh start on many levels. Doesn't everyone love a second chance? I can be a better sister, wife, daughter, and mother. I can read more books and try new recipes. I can exercise daily, make that twice a day.;) I can eat healthier by eliminating sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and anything that tastes good. {And, I can drive myself crazy trying to do all of the previous for more than a week, let alone an entire year.}

OK this is what I can do.

Take each day one at a time. Savor the moment. Small steps forward ~ big things are built just a little at a time. Make short lists, even if it means making new ones again and again. Find joy in the ordinary (& sometimes, the extraordinary). I think I am liking my new year already. I am not sure if I will "get it right" this time around, but I hope the memories will be magical.

And, in this spirit, I will leave you with this; a poem from over here -------->>>>

that which is everyday
is instinct & grace

by Kylie Johnson


Monday, January 3, 2011


A new year, I think it makes sense to start planning.  Goals, objectives, how to "get it right" this year.  But it usually takes me a bit of time to transition.  I just cracked open my 2011 planner and started to mark down what I know so far.  Funny how similar the years look on paper ~ we kind of do the same stuff year after year.  However, before I completely jump into 2011, I have to somehow acknowledge the past 56 weeks.  After a super quick analysis, I am going to give 2010 a thumbs up!

this T's Top 10 of 2010:
(in no particular order)

turning the big four-oh (grey hair included, I guess) :

travel (especially out west to Colorado and San Francisco) :

a new ride (plus the dealership rocks, they offer a "car spa" ~ genius ~ 
$99.95 for wash, wax, leather treatment, etc.) :

patio project (outdoor living, finally) :

girls weekends (several of them ~ NH, LBI, ANP) :

concert attendance (Counting Crows & Lady Antebellum) :

half marathon (respectable finish) :

blog (we actually did something we talked about ~ kind of wish it were
the tree tray?) :

yoga (the start of something good?):

Pittsburgh trip (one night with hubby in a brand new, high end modern hotel that we really couldn't afford ~ but we did it anyway!):

* * *
Besides all the things that were done and accomplished in 2010, I had some "light bulb" moments along the way.  An idea or realization that makes me look at things differently.  Hopefully with these new thoughts in hand, I can try to "get it right" this year.  Wish me luck sister!

ringing in the new year

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Sisters Mulleavy

Back in 2005, I vividly recall reading about two sisters, Kate and Laura Mulleavy, who embarked on a journey together...there is nothing like a sister story mixed with fashion and film to capture my attention. Pay attention ~ you will be digging in your closet when you're done reading this!

After graduating from U.C. Berkeley, Kate and Laura collaborated on a collection of ten pieces displaying their signature mix of hard and delicate elements. The Mulleavy sisters called their special brand of magic Rodarte. While I couldn't confirm this, I remember reading this first collection was created in a paper doll format ~ how could I forget something so creative and unusual?

The sisters packed up their dolls and Rodarte doll clothing (I am imagining this!) and flew off to NYC. As California natives, Kate and Laura had never been to New York before and didn't know a soul in the city. They phoned Women's Wear Daily to request a meeting. (btw WWD never takes cold calls) Of course, WWD loved Rodarte and immediately put it on their cover. I also read Kate, Laura, and Roadrte captured the attention of Vogue's Anna Wintour. The Mulleavy sisters were on their way...

Since the line's inception in 2005, Kate and Laura have collaborated with Gap and Target. Rodarte is worn by celebrities --> Emma Watson, Kirsten Dunst, Cate Blanchett, and Michelle Obama. Reese Witherspoon and Natalie Portman wore it to the 81st Academy Awards. In addition, the sisters won several awards in the industry. What next??

The talented sisters have Oscar buzz surrounding them lately. Who better to create the forty tutus for Dan Aronofsky's Black Swan? Already friends with Natalie Portman and fans of horror films, Kate and Laura were a perfect match. This was their first experience creating costumes for a film. While I look forward to seeing Black Swan, I especially look forward to seeing those tutus! All forty of them.

While I don't have a tutu, I do have a little Rodarte in my closet by way of Target. It is navy, tulle blouse with bows to tie at the neck and wrists. See? Hard and delicate. I love wearing it ~ always one of my favorites. I believe you have the same Rodarte piece in your closet too. Now, you can enjoy wearing it even more. Hope you can find it!


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year

"Cheers to a New Year and another chance
for us to get it right."  Oprah Winfrey