There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, December 3, 2012


Weekends ... consumed by shopping, kid activities and wash.   That doesn't leave time for much more these days.  But we did catch a Lehigh University basketball game this weekend (remember ... Lehigh beat Duke!).  Star LU player CJ McCullom is back on the court for his senior year and is a fan favorite.  We hung around after the game for some autographs.  Scored the head coach, CJ and Macky. Fun.

On Sunday, we decided to cut down "the tree".  We thru in an extra Charlie Brown tree for the back patio.  Strung on some new, large, colored lights. Instant Christmas!  Not one other decoration inside the house but that will get done this coming weekend.  What else would I possibly do?

One last thing.  Miss Kate requested that we bake cookies this holiday season. WHAT!  She named all sorts of cookies that Santa would like.  Mainly cutouts. HELP!


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